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Valid in: SQL, DBProc, OpenAPI, ODBC, JDBC, .NET
The SELECT statement retrieves values from tables or views.
The SELECT statement has the following format:
SELECT [ALL | DISTINCT] * | result_expression {,result_expression}
              [FROM from_source {, from_source}
              [WHERE search_condition]
              [GROUP BY column{, column}]
              [HAVING search_condition]
              {UNION [ALL]
              [ORDER BY result_column [ASC | DESC]
                            {, result_column [ASC | DESC]}];
where result_expression is one of the following:
Selects all columns
[[schema.]table_name.]column_name [AS result_column]
Selects one column
expression [AS] result_column
For SQL-92 compliant installations, the AS keyword in the result expression is optional. All other select syntax and semantics are described in the chapter “OpenSQL Statements.”
Last modified date: 08/14/2024