The Dclgen Utility—Generate Structure
The dclgen (Declaration Generator utility) is a structure‑generating utility that maps the columns of a database table into a structure that can be included in a variable declaration. Invoke dclgen from the operating system level with the following command:
DCLGEN language dbname tablename filename structurename [-n] [-q]
Specifies the host language (for example, “C”).
Specifies the name of the database containing the table.
Specifies the name of the database table.
Names the output file generated by dclgen that contains the structure declaration.
Specifies the name of the generated host language structure.
Does not print the DECLARE TABLE statement.
Creates output in QUEL format.
Dclgen creates the declaration file, filename, containing a structure corresponding to the database table. The file also includes a DECLARE TABLE statement that identifies the database table and columns from which the structure was generated. After the file has been generated, an embedded OpenSQL INCLUDE statement can be used to incorporate the file into the variable declaration section.
For details on the dclgen utility, see the Embedded SQL Companion Guide.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024