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UPDATE Examples
The following examples demonstrate how to replace the values of the specified columns by the values of the specified expressions for all rows of the table that satisfy the search_condition:
1. Give all employees who work for Smith a 10% raise.
    SET salary = 1.1 * salary
    WHERE dept IN
        (SELECT dno
        FROM dept
        WHERE mgr IN
            (SELECT eno
            FROM emp
            WHERE ename = 'Smith'));
2. Set all salaried people who work for Smith to null.
    SET salary = null
    WHERE dept IN
        (SELECT dno
            FROM dept
            WHERE mgr IN
                (SELECT eno
                FROM emp
                WHERE ename = 'Smith'));
3. Update the salary of all employees having names that begin with “e,” using the value for a standard raise in the table dept.
UPDATE employee e
    FROM dept d
    SET salary = d.std_raise * e.salary
    WHERE e.name LIKE 'e%' AND d.dname = e.dname
Last modified date: 08/14/2024