Query Buffer
Once you have entered the Terminal Monitor, each query that you type is placed in a query buffer. The queries are executed when you type the execution command (\go). The results of your query are displayed on your terminal. For example,
retrieve (employee.name) where employee.city = "San
In addition to entering queries, you can:
• Edit the queries
• Print the queries
• Write the queries to a file
After a \go command, the query buffer is cleared if another query is typed in, unless a command that affects the query buffer is typed first. Commands that retain the query buffer contents are:
\append or \a
\edit or \e
\print or \p
\eval or \v
For example, typing:
help parts
print parts
results in the query buffer containing:
print parts
whereas, typing:
help parts
print parts
results in the query buffer containing:
help parts
print parts
You can override this feature by executing the \append command before you execute the \go command or by specifying the -a flag when you issue the quel command to begin your session.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024