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The Dbmsinfo() Function
Dbmsinfo() is a function that returns a string containing information about the current session. You can use this statement in the Terminal Monitor or in an embedded QUEL application. The dbmsinfo() statement has the following syntax:
For example, to find out which release of Ingres you are using, enter:
retrieve (x=dbmsinfo("_version"))
The following lists valid request_names:
Returns 1 if autocommit is on; 0 if autocommit is off
Returns the current time and date in an internal format, represented as the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Returns the number of I/Os to and from the front-end client (application) that created your session.
Returns the collation sequence defined for the database associated with the current session. This returns blanks if the database is using the collation sequence of the machine's native character set, such as ASCII or EBCDIC.
Returns the CPU time for your session, in milliseconds
Returns "Y" if the session has create_procedure privileges in the database or "N" if the session does not
Returns "Y" if the session has create_table privileges in the database or "N" if the session does not
Returns "Y" if the default cursor mode is deferred; "N" otherwise. The default cursor mode is specified when the DBMS Server is started.
Returns "Y" if the default cursor mode is direct; "N" otherwise. The default cursor mode is specified when the DBMS Server is started.
Returns the database name
Returns the user name of the database owner
Returns "Y" if the session has the db_admin privilege
Returns the number of buffered I/O requests for all connected sessions
Returns the cumulative CPU time for the DBMS Server, in milliseconds, for all connected sessions
Returns the number of direct I/O requests for all connected sessions
Returns "LOWER" if delimited identifiers are translated to lower case, "UPPER" if delimited identifiers are translated to upper case, or "MIXED" if the case of delimited identifiers is not translated. For details about delimited identifiers, see the SQL Reference Guide.
Returns "LOWER" if regular identifiers are translated to lower case, or "UPPER" if regular identifiers are translated to upper case
Returns the number of disk I/O blocks for your session
Returns the elapsed time for session, in seconds
Returns "Y" if the DBMS Server is configured to flatten queries involving aggregate subselects; "N" otherwise. (Query flattening options are specified when the DBMS Server is started.)
Returns "Y" if query flattening is disabled. (Query flattening options are specified when the DBMS Server is started.)
Returns "Y" if the DBMS Server is configured to flatten queries wherever possible; "N" otherwise. (Query flattening options are specified when the DBMS Server is started.)
Returns "Y" if the DBMS Server is configured to flatten queries involving singleton subselects; "N" otherwise. (Query flattening options are specified when the DBMS Server is started.)
Returns the session's group identifier or blanks if no group identifier is in effect
Returns the user identifier in effect at the start of the session
Returns the language used in the current session to display messages and prompts
Returns "Y" if the session can issue the set lockmode statement or "N" if the session cannot
Returns the value specified in the last set maxio statement. If no previous set maxio statement was issued or if set nomaxio was specified last, this returns the same value as the request name query_io_limit.
Same as maxio
Returns the value specified in the last set maxrow statement. If no previous set maxrow statement was issued or if set nomaxrow was specified last, this returns the same value as the request name query_row_limit.
Returns the current setting for transaction error handling: "rollback transaction" or "rollback statement". To set transaction error handling, use the set session with on_error statement.
Returns the number of page faults for server
Returns the session's value for query_io_limit or -1 if no limit is defined for the session
Returns "sql" or "quel"
Returns the session's value for query_row_limit or -1 if no limit is defined for the session
Returns the session's role identifier or blanks if no role identifier is in effect
Returns the name of the current security auditing log file. For details about security auditing, see the SQL Reference Guide.
Returns "Y" if the effective user has the security privilege, or "N" if the effective user does not have the security privilege
Returns the class of DBMS server, for example "ingres"
Returns the internal session identifier in hexadecimal
Returns the session's current effective user ID
Returns the system user ID
Returns the terminal address
Returns 1 if presently in a transaction, 0 if not
Returns "qualified" if inquire_ingres(rowcount) returns the number of rows that qualified for change by the last query, or "changed" if inquire_ingres(rowcount) returns the number of rows that were actually changed by the last query. For details, see Update_rowcount Option.
Returns "Y" if the effective user is allowed to update system catalogs, or "N" if the effective user is not allowed to update system catalogs
Returns the session's current effective user ID
Returns the DBMS version number
Last modified date: 08/14/2024