The Inquire_ingres Statement
An example of the use of the inquire_ingres statement follows:
begin program
## rcount, err_no integer
## errmsg character_string(256)
## ingres "personnel"
## append to employee (empnum = 12,
## empname = "john smith", salary = 10000)
## /* find out if an error occurred while appending */
## inquire_ingres (rcount = rowcount, err_no = errorno,
## errmsg = errortext)
## /* if error occurred, print its number and message */
if err_no > 0 then print "ingres error", errorno, "occurred"
print errmsg
## /* tell the user whether or not a row was added */
else if rcount > 0 then
print "row successfully appended"
print "integrity violation or duplicate record"
end if
## exit
end program
The rowcount value is useful for detecting integrity violations.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024