Creation of Replication Keys
The Create Keys option creates the replicated transaction keys for every row in the base table and populates the shadow table and the input queue. You must use Create Keys if you install Ingres Replicator on an existing database that contains data. If you install Ingres Replicator on empty databases, replicated transaction keys are created and the shadow table is populated automatically when you insert data. For more information, see the online help topic Creating Replication Keys.
How you use Create Keys varies depending on the contents of your databases.
There are two options when using Create Keys:
Shadow Table Only
This option populates the shadow table.
Both Queue and Shadow Table
This option populates the shadow table and the input queue. Use this option if your databases are not synchronized; the altered rows are placed in the input queue for reconciliation or distribution.
You create replicated transaction keys for tables by choosing Create Keys from the Operations menu. For more information, see the online help topic Creating Replication Keys. For information about using Create Keys options, see the online help topic Creating Replicated Transaction Keys dialog.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024