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Server Startup Settings Worksheet
You can use the Server Startup Settings Worksheet to document your server startup parameters. All flags that can be set in the configuration file for startup are listed on the worksheet. You can choose only one flag per category. Unless you specify differently, default values are used. For descriptions of all server parameters, see Server Parameters.
The server information fields on the worksheet are as follows:
Server Directory
Identifies the directory in which the server’s configuration and log files are located. The default directory for RepServer number n is: %II_SYSTEM%\ingres\rep\servers\servern
Server No.
Specifies the number assigned to the server. The number can be in the range of 1-999 and must conform to the directory name where the server’s configuration and log files are located. For more information on server numbers, see Replicator Server Assignment. For server numbers greater than 10, see How You Assign Server Numbers Greater Than Ten.
Local Database Name
Specifies the name of the database. For more information, see Database Worksheet.
Database No.
Specifies the number assigned to the database in the CDDS configuration process. For more information, see Database Worksheet.
The following is an example of the Server Startup Settings Worksheet:
Server Directory:_________________
Local Database Name:____________
Server No:___________________
Database No.:________________
Server Parameter/Behavior
Server number
-SVR0, -SVRn
Local database
Local database owner
Lock timeout
Inactive connection timeout
-CTO0, -CTOn
Event timeout
-EVT0, -EVTn
Send activity notifIcations
Retry opening target databases
-ORT0, -ORTn
Log messages to stdout
-PTL0, -PTL1, -PTL2, -PTL3
Log messages
-LGL0, -LGL1, -LGL2, -LGL3
Mail messages on error
Maximum error count
Active quiet
Two-phase commit
-TPC0, -TPC1
Check unique keys
Queue read limit
Transaction break limit
Single-run server
The following illustrates a completed Server Startup Settings Worksheet:
Last modified date: 08/14/2024