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dd_input_queue Table
The dd_input_queue table contains the queue of operations (insert, update, delete) that are entering this database. The operations can come from a user interface on this database or from a Replicator server on another database:
Column Name
Data Type
smallint not null
Identifies the database where the transaction originated.
integer not null
Identifier given by the DBMS Server to the original transaction.
integer not null
The sequence of the operation (insert, update, delete) within the original transaction.
smallint not null
Identifies the table changed by the original transaction.
smallint not null
Identifies the database that originated the transaction that manipulated the row before this transaction.
integer not null
Identifier given by the DBMS Server to the transaction that manipulated the row before this transaction.
integer not null
The sequence of the operation (insert, update, delete) within the transaction that manipulated the row before this transaction.
date with null
The date and time when the transaction that manipulated the row was committed in the originating database.
smallint not null
Indicates whether this operation is an:
1 = insert
2 = update
3 = delete
smallint not null with default
The numeric identifier assigned to the CDDS. This can come directly from dd_regist_tables or indirectly from a lookup table.
smallint not null with default
The user-assigned priority to resolve collisions. This can be 0 or can have been derived from a lookup table.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024