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1. Bulk load the data from multiple files into region table. Columns in the data file are delimited with a vertical bar, records are delimited by a new line, and null values are identified as NULL:
COPY region() VWLOAD FROM 'path/to/data/mytable_1.txt', 'path/to/data/mytable_2.txt' WITH INSERTMODE=BULK, FDELIM='|', RDELIM='\n', NULLVALUE='NULL', WORK_DIR = '/home/users/temp'
2. Load specific columns from a CSV file into the mytable table. Fields in the data file are delimited with a comma. Set the date format for columns a2_us and a4_us to US, and for all other columns to GERMAN.
COPY mytable() VWLOAD FROM '5255.csv' WITH ATTRIBUTES='a1_multi,a2_us,a3_de,a4_us,a5_de', FDELIM=',', DATEFORMAT='a2_us=US,a4_us=US,GERMAN';
Last modified date: 08/14/2024