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1. Execute some database statements, and handle errors by displaying the message and aborting the transaction.
exec sql whenever sqlerror goto err_handle;

exec sql select name, sal
    into :name, :sal
    from employee
    where eno = :eno;

if name = 'Badman' then
    exec sql delete from employee
        where eno = :eno;
else if name = 'Goodman' then
    exec sql update employee set sal = sal + 3000
        where eno = :eno;
end if;

exec sql commit;



exec sql whenever sqlerror continue;
exec sql inquire_sql (:err_msg = errortext);
print 'INGRES error: ', sqlca.sqlcode;
print err_msg;
exec sql rollback;
2. The following example demonstrates the use of the WHENEVER statement for intercepting trace messages from a database procedure. The messages are written to a trace file.
exec sql whenever sqlerror stop;
exec sql whenever sqlmessage call trace_message;

exec sql execute procedure proc1 into :retstat;

/* Inside the "trace_message" host language
     procedure */
exec sql inquire_sql (:msgnum = messagenumber,
    :msgtxt = messagetext);
if (msgnum = 0) then
    print logfile, msgtxt;
    print logfile, msgnum, '-'msgtxt;
end if;
Last modified date: 08/14/2024