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Table Procedure
A table procedure is a row-producing database procedure that can be invoked in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement.
A table procedure reference uses the following syntax:
proc_name ([param_name=]param_spec {,[param_name=]param_spec})
The parameter expressions can reference columns from other tables or views in the FROM clause, effectively representing joins between the tables and the table procedures. Columns of the result rows of the table procedures can also be referenced anywhere in the query.
The following query example shows the table procedure tproc1() with the correlation name tp.
SELECT a.c1, b.d1, tp.r5 FROM table1 a, table2 b, tproc1 (p1 = 19, p2 = 'pqr',
     p3 = a.c2) tp
WHERE a.c4 = b.d3 AND b.d6 = tp.r2;
Its parameter list contains a reference to column c2 of table1 and the WHERE clause has an equijoin between columns d6 of table2 and the result column r2 of tproc1().
The following query example shows the creation of a view from a table procedure in which some, but not all, parameters are specified:
CREATE VIEW tpv1 AS SELECT * FROM tproc2 (p3 = 25);
Table Procedure Restrictions
The use of DML statements such as INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE are not supported in table procedures.
The parameter list of a table procedure can reference columns from tables in the FROM clause or result columns of another table procedure in the FROM clause. This effectively represents a join between the tables and table procedures with one set of result rows being produced by the table procedure for each set of column values referenced in its parameter list. However, if parameter lists of table procedures reference result columns of other table procedures, they must not form a cycle.
For example, the following is not permitted
FROM tproc1(p1 = 25, p2 = tp2.rc1) tp1, tproc2(q1 = tp1.rc4, q2 = 'abc') tp2, ...
because the tproc1 parameter list references a result column of tproc2 and the tproc2 parameter list references a result column from tproc1.
Note:  The LOB result column of a table procedure cannot be referenced in a query. A syntax error will result.
Table Procedure Example
Table procedures are useful for programmatically performing selections from various tables.
For example:
INGRES TERMINAL MONITOR Copyright 2016 Actian Corporation
Ingres Microsoft Windows Version II 11.0.0 (a64.win/100) login
Wed Jan 16 23:12:56 2019
* go
* * * * * * * * *
**  Table Procedure Test Case
/*  Drop Procedure
drop procedure tblproc;
Executing . . .
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
** Create Table Procedure
create procedure tblproc (id integer not null)
result row( char(32) not null, char(32) not null)
declare id2 integer not null;
        col1 char(64) not null;
        col2 char(32) not null;
if (id = 0) then
   for select first 5 cap_capability, cap_value into :col1, :col2
         from "$ingres".iidbcapabilities do return row (:col1, :col2);
elseif (id = 1) then
   for select first 5 table_owner, table_name into :col1, :col2
         from "$ingres".iitables do
       return row (:col1, :col2);
elseif (id = 2) then
   for select first 5 trim(table_owner)+'.'+trim(table_name), column_name into :col1, :col2
         from "$ingres".iicolumns do
       return row (:col1, :col2);
elseif (id = 3) then
   for select first 5 cap_capability, cap_value into :col1, :col2
         from "$ingres".iidbcapabilities do
       return row (:col1, :col2);
   for select first 5 table_owner, table_name into :col1, :col2
         from "$ingres".iitables do
       return row (:col1, :col2);
   for select first 5 trim(table_owner)+'.'+trim(table_name), column_name into :col1, :col2
         from "$ingres".iicolumns do
       return row (:col1, :col2);
   for select cap_capability, cap_value into :col1, :col2
          from "$ingres".iidbcapabilities do
       return row (:col1, :col2);
Executing . . .
* * ;
Executing . . .
* * * * * * *
** Get help on created procedure
help procedure tblproc;
Executing . . .
Procedure:            tblproc
Owner:                ingres
Procedure Type:       native
Object type:          user object
Created:              24-sep-2009 23:12:56
Procedure Definition:
/*    1 */ create procedure tblproc (id integer not null) result row(
char(32) not null, char(32) not null) as declare id2 integer not null;
/*    2 */ col1 char(64) not null;
/*    3 */ col2 char(32) not null;
/*    4 */ begin if (id = 0) then for select first 5 cap_capability,
cap_value into :col1, :col2 from "$ingres".iidbcapabilities do return
row (:col1, :col2);
/*    5 */ endfor;
/*    6 */ elseif (id = 1) then for select first 5 table_owner,
table_name into :col1, :col2 from "$ingres".iitables do return row
(:col1, :col2);
/*    7 */ endfor;
/*    8 */ elseif (id = 2) then for select first 5 trim(table_owner)+
'.'+trim(table_name), column_name into :col1, :col2 from
"$ingres".iicolumns do return row (:col1, :col2);
/*    9 */ endfor;
/*   10 */ elseif (id = 3) then for select first 5 cap_capability,
cap_value into :col1, :col2 from "$ingres".iidbcapabilities do return
row (:col1, :col2);
/*   11 */ endfor;
/*   12 */ for select first 5 table_owner, table_name into :col1,
:col2 from "$ingres".iitables do return row (:col1, :col2);
/*   13 */ endfor;
/*   14 */ for select first 5 trim(table_owner)+'.'+trim(table_name),
column_name into :col1, :col2 from "$ingres".iicolumns do return row
(:col1, :col2);
/*   15 */ endfor;
/*   16 */ else for select cap_capability, cap_value into :col1, :col2
from "$ingres".iidbcapabilities do return row (:col1, :col2);
/*   17 */ endfor;
/*   18 */ endif;
/*   19 */ end
* * * * * * *
** test cases
select * from tblproc();
Executing . . .
|result_column0                  |result_column1                  |
|QUEL_LEVEL                      |II9.3.0                         |
|SQL_LEVEL                       |II9.3.0                         |
|DISTRIBUTED                     |N                               |
|MIXEDCASE_NAMES                 |N                               |
|INGRES                          |Y                               |
(5 rows)
* * select * from tblproc(id=1);
Executing . . .
|result_column0                  |result_column1                  |
|$ingres                         |iiprotect                       |
|$ingres                         |iidbcapabilities                |
|$ingres                         |iiotables                       |
|$ingres                         |ii_fields                       |
|$ingres                         |iirule                          |
(5 rows)
* * select * from tblproc(id=2);
Executing . . .
|result_column0                  |result_column1                  |
|$ingres.iirelation              |relfree                         |
|$ingres.iirelation              |relnparts                       |
|$ingres.iirelation              |relmax                          |
|$ingres.iirelation              |relcreate                       |
|$ingres.iirelation              |relsave                         |
(5 rows)
* * select * from tblproc(id=3);
Executing . . .
|result_column0                  |result_column1                  |
|QUEL_LEVEL                      |II9.3.0                         |
|SQL_LEVEL                       |II9.3.0                         |
|DISTRIBUTED                     |N                               |
|MIXEDCASE_NAMES                 |N                               |
|INGRES                          |Y                               |
|$ingres                         |iiprotect                       |
|$ingres                         |iidbcapabilities                |
|$ingres                         |iiotables                       |
|$ingres                         |ii_fields                       |
|$ingres                         |iirule                          |
|$ingres.iirelation              |relfree                         |
|$ingres.iirelation              |relnparts                       |
|$ingres.iirelation              |relmax                          |
|$ingres.iirelation              |relcreate                       |
|$ingres.iirelation              |relsave                         |
(15 rows)
* * select * from tblproc(id=99);
Executing . . .
|result_column0                  |result_column1                  |
|QUEL_LEVEL                      |II9.3.0                         |
|SQL_LEVEL                       |II9.3.0                         |
|DISTRIBUTED                     |N                               |
|MIXEDCASE_NAMES                 |N                               |
|INGRES                          |Y                               |
|INGRES/SQL_LEVEL                |00930                           |
|COMMON/SQL_LEVEL                |00930                           |
|INGRES/QUEL_LEVEL               |00930                           |
|SAVEPOINTS                      |Y                               |
|DBMS_TYPE                       |INGRES                          |
|PHYSICAL_SOURCE                 |T                               |
|MAX_COLUMNS                     |1024                            |
|INGRES_RULES                    |Y                               |
|INGRES_UDT                      |Y                               |
|INGRES_AUTH_GROUP               |Y                               |
|INGRES_AUTH_ROLE                |Y                               |
|INGRES_LOGICAL_KEY              |Y                               |
|UNIQUE_KEY_REQ                  |N                               |
|ESCAPE                          |Y                               |
|OWNER_NAME                      |QUOTED                          |
|STANDARD_CATALOG_LEVEL          |00930                           |
|OPEN/SQL_LEVEL                  |00904                           |
|DB_NAME_CASE                    |LOWER                           |
|DB_DELIMITED_CASE               |LOWER                           |
|DB_REAL_USER_CASE               |LOWER                           |
|NATIONAL_CHARACTER_SET          |N                               |
|SQL_MAX_BYTE_LITERAL_LEN        |32000                           |
|SQL_MAX_CHAR_LITERAL_LEN        |32000                           |
|SQL_MAX_BYTE_COLUMN_LEN         |32000                           |
|SQL_MAX_VBYT_COLUMN_LEN         |32000                           |
|SQL_MAX_CHAR_COLUMN_LEN         |32000                           |
|SQL_MAX_VCHR_COLUMN_LEN         |32000                           |
|SQL_MAX_NCHR_COLUMN_LEN         |16000                           |
|SQL_MAX_NVCHR_COLUMN_LEN        |16000                           |
|SQL_MAX_SCHEMA_NAME_LEN         |32                              |
|SQL_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN          |32                              |
|SQL_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN         |32                              |
|SQL_MAX_USER_NAME_LEN           |32                              |
|SQL_MAX_ROW_LEN                 |262144                          |
|SQL_MAX_STATEMENTS              |0                               |
|SQL_MAX_DECIMAL_PRECISION       |39                              |
(41 rows)
* *
Ingres Version II 11.0.0 (a64.win/100) logout
Wed Jan 16 23:12:56 2019
Last modified date: 08/14/2024