Maintain_audit Privilege
The Maintain_audit privilege allows the user to manage auditing features, including determining the security audit activity level for profiles, users, and roles, and the ability to turn security auditing on and off.
The maintain_audit privilege is typically assigned to the system administrator, the database administrator, or a separate security administrator.
A user with this privilege can:
• Enable or disable security auditing (using the ENABLE and DISABLE SECURITY_AUDIT statements or the equivalent operations in Actian Director or VDBA).
• Change the current audit state (using the ALTER SECURITY_AUDIT statement or the equivalent operation in Actian Director or VDBA).
• Determine the security audit activity level when working with profiles, users, and roles (by specifying the SECURITY_AUDIT clause on ALTER/CREATE PROFILE, ALTER/CREATE USER, and ALTER/CREATE ROLE statements, or using Actian Director or VDBA).
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Last modified date: 08/14/2024