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Rolling Back Transactions
The rollback statement rolls back part or all of the current Ingres Star transaction. Rollback to a savepoint applies only to those Ingres Star transactions involving Ingres local databases.
If the data definition language (DDL) concurrency mode parameter ddl_concurrency is set on, and rollback is executed after a:
create table, the table in the local database is destroyed, but the registration of the table in the distributed database remains. You should remove the registration.
drop table, the table in the local database remains but the registration of the table in the distributed database has been removed. You should re-register the table.
If ddl_concurrency is set on, and rollback is executed after a:
create view is executed within a transaction, the view is not destroyed. You should drop the view.
drop view, the view remains destroyed. You should re-create the view.
The ddl_concurrency is on by default. To turn off distributed database concurrency mode, see DDL Concurrency Mode.
For a discussion on distributed transactions, see the chapter “Understanding Ingres Star Architecture.” For more information on the rollback statement, see the SQL Reference Guide.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024