Rolling Back Transactions
The rollback statement rolls back part or all of the current Ingres Star transaction. Rollback to a savepoint applies only to those Ingres Star transactions involving Ingres local databases.
If the data definition language (DDL) concurrency mode parameter ddl_concurrency is set on, and rollback is executed after a:
• create table, the table in the local database is destroyed, but the registration of the table in the distributed database remains. You should remove the registration.
• drop table, the table in the local database remains but the registration of the table in the distributed database has been removed. You should re-register the table.
If ddl_concurrency is set on, and rollback is executed after a:
• create view is executed within a transaction, the view is not destroyed. You should drop the view.
• drop view, the view remains destroyed. You should re-create the view.
The ddl_concurrency is on by default. To turn off distributed database concurrency mode, see
DDL Concurrency Mode.
For a discussion on distributed transactions, see the chapter “Understanding Ingres Star Architecture.” For more information on the rollback statement, see the SQL Reference Guide.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024