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iidbcapabilities Catalog
The iidbcapabilities catalog contains information about the capabilities provided by the DBMS. The following table describes the columns in the iidbcapabilities catalog:
Column Name
Data Type
Contains one of the values listed in the Capability column of the following table. If the cap_capability has a value, it will be activated by the value in the cap_value column.
Set to the value of the capability. This is usually the string Y or N. See the Values column in the following table for possible values of each capability.
The cap_capability column in the iidbcapabilities catalog contains one or more of the following values:
Version of OpenSQL supported by the DBMS. Use this name in preference to the older COMMON/SQL_LEVEL. Default setting is 00605.
Version of OPEN/SQL support provided by the DBMS. Maintained for backward compatibility. (Use OPEN/SQL_LEVEL instead.) Examples:
00600 Version 6.0
00601 Version 6.1
00602 Version 6.2
Default is 00600.
Case mapping semantics of the database with respect to regular identifiers for database objects:
LOWER for lowercase is the Ingres setting.
UPPER for uppercase is set for an ISO Entry SQL92 compliant installation.
Case mapping semantics of the database with respect to delimited identifiers for database objects:
LOWER for lowercase is the Ingres setting. MIXED for mixed case is set for an ISO Entry SQL92 compliant installation.
If the value is MIXED, an identifier must be enclosed in double quotes to maintain case as originally defined. Otherwise it is treated as a regular identifier (converted to uppercase).
Case mapping of user names as retrieved by the operating system:
LOWER for lowercase is the Ingres setting. MIXED for mixed case or UPPER for uppercase is set as specified during installation.
The type of DBMS the application is communicating with. For a Star Server, the value is always STAR.
Y since the DBMS is distributed.
Set to Y if the DBMS supports in all respects 100 percent of Ingres Release 6. Otherwise N. For Ingres Star this is set to N since it does not support QUEL.
Version of SQL supported by the DBMS. These include:
00600 Version 6.0
00601 Version 6.1
00602 Version 6.2
00603 Version 6.3
00604 Version 6.4
00605 Ingres
00000 DBMS does not support SQL
Default is 00600.
Version of QUEL supported by the DBMS. These include:
00600 Version 6.0
00601 Version 6.1
00602 Version 6.2
00603 Version 6.3
00604 Version 6.4
00605 Ingres
00000 DBMS does not support QUEL
Default is 00600.
Contains N if schema.table table name format is not supported. Contains Y if schema.table format is supported; contains QUOTED if schema.table is supported with optional quotes (“schema”.table). The default is QUOTED.
T indicates that both iitables and iiphysical_tables contain physical table information.
P indicates that only iiphysical_tables contains the physical table information.
Y if savepoints behave exactly as in Ingres, else N. Default is Y.
Version of the standard catalog interface supported by this database. Should be 00602 (the default) for Ingres Star.
Set to Y if the database service requires that some or all tables have a unique key. Set to N or not present if the database service allows tables without unique keys.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024