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How to Check If Rows Have Changed After the Transaction
Before proposing to reverse row changes resulting from a transaction, you must take into account the fact that some of these rows have changed after the transaction. The possible cases are as follows:
None of these rows have changed and there is no problem.
If a row has changed, usually no row corresponding to the “after image” of the initial change can be found, and therefore the “reverse” statement, which includes a where clause that searches for a row corresponding to such “after image,” fails because no such row is found.
There is an “advanced” exception, in the case where a given row (the same or another one) has the exact same content afterwards as the after image of the initial change: in this case, it is the user’s responsibility to make a decision about taking additional actions.
For this reason, the following features are available:
The changes that you have asked to reverse are displayed in the dialog for you to view.
By default, the Scan Journals to the End option is selected. It indicates if later changes affected the rows involved in the transaction. If this problem is not an issue, disable the option.
If rows of the transaction to be undone have changed since the transaction, Journal Analyzer prompts you with a warning, asking whether you want to continue.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024