II_PATTERN_MATCH determines the set of pattern matching characters for QBF and the ABF qualification function. These can be SQL-like, QUEL-like, or not set.
The pattern matching characters used by QBF and the ABF qualification function are % _ [ and ]. The % is equivalent to the QUEL“*” and _ is equivalent to the QUEL “?”.
The pattern matching characters used by QBF and the ABF qualification function are * ? [ and ].
<not set>
If not set, or if it is set to anything other than sql or quel, the QUEL pattern matching characters are used.
II_PATTERN_MATCH can be set installation-wide or locally. The complete word, either sql or quel, must be entered. The setting for II_PATTERN_MATCH is case-sensitive.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024