II_UNICODE_CONVERTER sets the converter to be used for Unicode coercion. The DBMS Server carries out the coercion of Unicode data to local character set value based on the Unicode converter (or mapping table). Several converters are available in compiled and xml format, located in the directory $II_SYSTEM/ingres/files/ucharmaps. By default, Actian X automatically chooses the converter to use, based on the encoding used by the locale on your system.
You can manually set II_UNICODE_CONVERTER if Actian X is unable to set the converter correctly for your locale for coercing Unicode data to local character set value.
To manually set II_UNICODE_CONVERTER on Linux based on locale
1. Type the following at the Linux command prompt:
The locale on your system is returned.
2. Use the locale value to find the character set on your system. For example, if locale is ja_JP.sjis, the character set (or its alias) is shown after the period: sjis.
3. Look up the character set in the file $II_SYSTEM/ingres/files/ucharmaps/charmapalias.xml. This file lists mapping IDs and their corresponding aliases. Find the mapping ID by finding the alias name value that matches the alias name. This mapping ID is the value of the converter.
4. Set the value of II_UNICODE_CONVERTER in the symbol table, as follows:
ingsetenv II_UNICODE_CONVERTER mapping_id
Recycle the server by issuing the ingstop and the ingstart commands.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024