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Recovery Process Errors on Linux
The recovery process (dmfrcp) must be running before a DBMS server can be started. Failure of the dmfrcp starting process indicates one of the following:
An improper installation configuration exists, as described in Troubleshoot Startup, Shutdown, or Configuration Problems.
Problems with the log file
Insufficient or previously allocated shared memory
If configured for Actian X Cluster Solution, check that required OS prerequisites are installed and operational (for example, OpenDLM in a Linux environment).
Check for Recovery Process Errors on Linux
If the recovery process does not start, perform the following procedure:
1. Check that the shared memory resources are properly installed. Use the csreport utility and check that the size, ownership, and permissions of the semaphore and shared memory segments meet the minimum requirements for your port.
2. Check for the existence of the transaction log by opening the Primary Transaction Log window in Configuration Manager (or the Transaction Log screen in the Configuration-By-Forms (cbf) utility), and noting the directories listed in the Log File Root Locations table in Configuration Manager (or the Primary Transaction Log Locations table in cbf).
3. Look for the file ingres_log.lnn (where nn is an integer between 1 and 16) in the ingres/log directory (located below all other listed directories).
4. Make the following checks on the transaction log file ingres_log.lnn:
a. Verify that ingres_log.lnn exists at that location by entering the following command at the operating system prompt:
ls -l
If it does not exist, you must recreate it using the Configuration-By-Forms (cbf) or Configuration Manager (vcbf) utility.
b. Verify that ingres_log.lnn is owned by installation owner.
If it is not, issue the following command at the operating system prompt, where userid is the user ID of the installation owner:
chown userid ingres_log
c. Verify that ingres_log.lnn has permissions 660 (that is, “-rw-rw----”). If not, issue the following command at the operating system prompt:
chmod 660 ingres_log
5. Verify that Actian X starts normally.
a. Shut down the partially started installation with the ingstop command.
b. Restart the installation with the ingstart command.
6. If you still cannot start the II_IUSV_nnn process, you need to completely shut down the installation, re-run ingbuild, and reconfigure the log file.
IMPORTANT!  This step must only be done as a last resort. Keep in mind that this reinitializes the log file, and any outstanding transactions are lost.
To shut down the system, complete the following steps:
a. Issue the command ingstop.
b. Work through Check Shutdown Problems on Linux until your Actian X installation has been cleanly shut down.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024