Restarting the UDF container
To restart the UDF container:
1. Stop the database.
2. Generate the Docker run command line including the restart option (see Start containers automatically | Docker Docs for full details on restart options). Use this command to start the UDF container manually.
a. Copy the docker run command from udf_engines.conf.
/usr/bin/docker run -p $PORT:32225 -m 512MB --rm --mount type=bind,source=II_SYSTEM/ingres/udf/log,target=/opt/actian/vectorwise-udf/log,ro=0 --mount type=bind,source=II_SYSTEM/ingres/udf/import,target=/opt/actian/vectorwise-udf/import,ro=0 --name udf$INSTANCE_TAG --user $UID:$GID actian/actianx12.0-udf:1.0.0
b. Replace the --rm option with -d for detached operation and --restart=on-failure as you cannot use them together.
c. Set $PORT to the value in the port= property of udf_engines.conf.
d. Set --name to a fixed value. Example: udfeng.
e. If your shell does not have $GID defined, replace with $(id -g).
3. Start the UDF container in the Docker independently from ActianX using the command generated in the previous step.
/usr/bin/docker run -p 44222:32225 -m 512MB -d --restart=on-failure --mount type=bind,source=II_SYSTEM/ingres/udf/log,target=/opt/actian/vectorwise-udf/log,ro=0 --mount type=bind,source=II_SYSTEM/ingres/udf/import,target=/opt/actian/vectorwise-udf/import,ro=0 --name udfeng --user $UID:$(id -g) actian/actianx12.0-udf:1.0.0
a. Stop and start the container manually.
docker container stop | start udfeng
Note: The container will restart automatically if the OOM killer or other errors terminate the container.
4. Modify udf_engines.conf to stop the launch of the UDF container.
port=44222 <-- This should be the same port used in step 2
launch=0 <-- Change from 1 to 0
5. Start the database.
Last modified date: 02/26/2025