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Setup Considerations for IngresSync
The database synchronization process involves two Ingres installations, each hosted on a separate node. One node will be designated as the source node and the other node(s) as target(s). If the source node fails, one of the target nodes will be automatically designated as the new source to continue with the sync process to any surviving targets until the failed node is restored to service.
You can execute IngresSync from a node that is neither a sync source, nor target provided the SSH and VNODE requirements are met. IngresSync is invoked with --hosts=hostList flag and the host roles are determined dynamically during runtime. This allows the scheduled sync job to be executed seamlessly without any modifications even when the host roles change.
The operating method consists of three phases:
Initial Synchronization of Source and Target Database
Synchronizing Phase
Setting up the Target Database as the new Source
Last modified date: 08/14/2024