UDF Logging
The UDF engine log configuration works in the same way as the Actian X database log file configuration. The configuration is read from a file called vwlog_udf.conf. To configure logging with containerized UDFs, move the vwlog_udf.conf_TMPL to the mapped location on the host machine (by default, II_SYSTEM/ingres/udf/log). The file must be named vwlog_udf.conf and the filename parameter path must be set to "/opt/actian/vectorwise-udf/log/”
To modify logging for non-containerized UDFs, change vwlog_udf.conf in II_SYSTEM/ingres/files.
When using containerized UDFs, the UDF engine log will be written to the local host directory mounted to the /opt/actian/vectorwise-udf/log container directory. This directory will be automatically mapped to II_SYSTEM/ingres/udf/log on installation. The location can be changed if required.
When using non-containerized UDFs, the UDF engine log will be written to II_SYSTEM/ingres/files along with other Actian X log files. This location can also be changed if required.
In both the modes, the vectorwise_udf.default.log file will be generated in the specified directory containing log output from the UDF engine process.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024