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The ema_check_hvr plug-in checks the status of High Volume Replicator (HVR) by looking for recent errors in the HVR log file.
Information displayed includes:
“First iteration” message
“No significant HVR errors reported” message
“There are (x number) of significant HVR errors reported” message, followed by a listing of the error numbers and the associated lines as extracted from the HVR error log file.
The plug-in has the following format:
ema_check_hvr --system ii_system_value --path hvr_value --hub hub_dbname [--errlog ]
[--scheduler] [--job jobname job_options]| --help |--version
--system ii_system_value
Specifies the value of your Actian X II_SYSTEM
--path hvr_value
Specifies the common path for both $HVR_HOME and $HVR_CONFIG.
--hub hub_dbname
Specifies the name of your Actian X hub database.
Checks the Actian X error log and displays list of errors reported since last check.
Shows usage statement for the plug-in.
Displays version number of the plug-in.
--job jobname job_options
Displays information about job delays, where jobname specifies the name of an HVR capture/integrate job. Thresholds below indicate time since job last ran.
Specify job_options as follows:
-w #
Where # is the warning threshold in minutes
-W #
Where # is the warning threshold in hours
-c #
Where # is the critical threshold in minutes
-C #
Where # is the critical threshold in hours
Note:  You should specify only one of -w or -W and one of -c or -C.
See if the daily job has run. If 24 hours has passed, display a warning; if more than 32, display a Critical message about the job. Also look in the HVR error log for messages.
ema_check_hvr --system $II_SYSTEM –path $HVR_HOME –errlog –job dailyjob -W 24 -C 32
Last modified date: 08/14/2024