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The ema_ingres_checkpoint plug-in checks the validity of one or more checkpoints for a database.
Information is displayed if:
The checkpoint is running
The latest checkpoint is invalid
The latest checkpoint is valid but more than 25 hours old (Warning)
The latest checkpoint is valid but more than 49 hours old (Critical)
The plug-in has the following format:
ema_ingres_checkpoint --system ii_system_value {dbname } | --help |--version
Note:  There are no parameters to drive the warning and critical thresholds. You can directly edit the plug-in script to change the values from 25 and 49.
--system ii_system_value
Specifies the value of your Actian X II_SYSTEM.
Displays version of this plug-in
Shows usage statement for this plug-in
Specifies a space-separated list of databases. At least one must be specified.
Check the validity of the checkpoint of iidbdb and demodb:
ema_ingres_checkpoint --system $II_SYSTEM iidbdb demodb
Last modified date: 08/14/2024