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Create Users, Profiles, Groups, and Roles
After the new development installation is running, create the Actian X USERs, PROFILEs, GROUPs, and ROLEs. Depending on the version of Actian X, this may have to be done manually or from within the accessdb utility under "users" in the old installation.
Use the "SQLscript" option to create an SQL file of users.
PROFILEs, GROUPs, and ROLEs must be created manually.
The SQL script will contain users that may already exist in the new installation, for example: ingres, system, or administrator. These users can be removed from the SQL script.
Do not remove other users from the script without ensuring that the user does not own any database objects (tables, views, and so on) in any of the databases that are to be moved.
Look in the config.dat file (which can be found in the ingres\files directory under the Actian X home directory in the old installation) for lines that may have been included to give users any of the following privileges:
The lines look like this:
These lines must be included in the config.dat file of the new installation.
Note:  The DBMS passwords of the users are not exported into the SQL script as they are stored in the encrypted binary format. They must be recreated manually for each user post migration.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024