From a 32-bit to a 64-bit Release
You can upgrade your 32-bit Ingres database for use with 64-bit Ingres by running the upgradedb utility. The 32-bit to 64-bit database conversion process redefines views, rules, integrities, and QUEL permits. The data in user tables is not affected by the 32-bit to 64-bit upgrade.
The upgradedb program does the following:
• Redefines the standard catalog views (iitables, iicolumns, and so on)
• Generates an SQL script to drop and redefine views, rules, integrities, and QUEL permits
• Executes the SQL script
The generated SQL scripts, and the SQL output, can be found in the directory $II_SYSTEM/ingres/files/upgradedb/UPGRADEUSER (where UPGRADEUSER is the user who is running the upgradedb program). There will be files DBNAME.i01 (SQL input) and DBNAME.o01 (SQL output). Depending on the specifics of the database, there might also be files DBNAME.g01 (grant inputs) and DBNAME.go01 (grant SQL output), and files DBNAME.r01 (referential constraint input) and DBNAME.ro01 (referential constraint output).
If your database contains an object that cannot be redefined, the upgradedb may fail to redefine all objects. You can use the SQL script and output in $II_SYSTEM/ingres/files/upgradedb to determine the point of failure. If necessary, contact customer support for assistance.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024