Recreate Database Privileges
To recreate database privileges:
1. As the installation owner, change to the iidbdb unloaddb directory.
2. Refer to the file dbprivs.out created in the step Record Database Privileges.
Each row in the dbprivs.out file describes one or more database privileges given to the user grantee-name. A Y or N in a privilege column indicates the specific privilege. (A U in a column means “Unchanged.”)
3. Start an iidbdb Terminal Monitor session:
sql iidbdb
4. For each row, issue the statement:
grant privilege on database database-name to grantee-name;commit
If the privilege column is N, grant noprivilege instead of privilege.
5. When finished, use \quit to exit the iidbdb session.
If you have defined many privileges, or recreated many users, groups, or roles, you should run sysmod on the iidbdb, which will accelerate query processing. Issue the sysmod command, as follows:
sysmod iidbdb
Last modified date: 08/14/2024