Workload Management
The following features help to manage workload of the database:
• Control the access mode for the database – You can disallow insert, update, delete, truncate, copy, and DDL operations using the GRANT READONLY statement.
• Limit row count – The database privilege QUERY_ROW_LIMIT n can be granted to a role, user, group, or public to limit the number of rows returned in a query. This can be set at the session level using SET ACTUAL MAXROW n.
• Abort queries based on defined limits – The database privilege QUERY_ROW_STEP_LIMIT n can be granted to a role, user, group, or public to specify the number of rows an individual query step is allowed to return before the query is canceled. This can be set at session level using SET MAXROWSTEP n.
For details, see Database Privileges in the SQL Reference Guide.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024