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Search Data Profiles
The Data Profiles page displays all the profiles and allows you to manage them.
To search a profile
1. Click the Data Quality link at the top of the page.
The Data Profiles page (see Data Profiles Page) displays the available profiles.
2. Enter a profile name in the Search box and click to search it.
You can also perform the following actions:
Click this icon to search for specific text within the profiles listing. Contents will be filtered based on the search string.
Click to clear the search box.
Click this icon and select a connector to filter the list of Data Profiles by connector.
Click to clear the filter.
Click this icon and select Name, Date or Created By to sort the list of Data Profiles by one of those fields.
Click to clear the filter.
Click this icon to view the Data Profiles in a grid view (the default view).
Click this icon to view the Data Profiles in a list view.
Last modified date: 05/15/2024