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Effortlessly unify disparate data sources, seamlessly transform raw data into actionable insights, and orchestrate complex data pipelines with unparalleled precision
Documentation for older releases can be found
DataConnect 12.3
What's New:
Actian DataConnect 12.3 introduces several key updates, including new connectors for Actian Database, and enhanced support for Oracle 21c and SQL Server 2022.
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DataConnect 12.2
What's New:
Actian DataConnect 12.2 introduces key updates, including the ability to deploy integrations in bulk to the Actian Data Platform, enabling faster cloud migration.
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DataConnect 12.1
What's New:
Actian DataConnect 12.1 introduces several new features, including enhanced support for IBM DB2 11.5.5 with new connectors, improvements to the Data Profiler Wizard.
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Featured topics
Getting Started with DataConnect
Provides information about different components of the Actian DataConnect Studio and its User Interface and helps you to get started.
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Integrate with DataConnect
Provides requirements and instructions to install DataConnect Studio, DataConnect Eclipse Plug-in for Studio IDE, and DataConnect Runtime Engine.
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DataConnect Best Practices
Provides guidance and best practices for users of the Actian DataConnect Studio IDE to effectively use the design tools and create efficient integration templates and solutions.
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Advanced topics
SDK Developer Guides
Provide information that can be used by developers to embed creation, modification, and execution of DataConnect artifacts within custom applications.
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User Guide
Provides information on how to install, set up, and use the Actian DataConnect Studio IDE and Runtime Engine.
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Troubleshooting Guide
Provides troubleshooting tips and workarounds for known problems. You can generally resolve a problem by using one of the listed troubleshooting methods.
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Useful information
Release Summary 12.3
DataConnect Studio
Engine Profiler
DataConnect Older Version 12.0