User Guide : 11.5.0 Release Notes : Known Issues
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Known Issues
The following table provides the known issues in the current release. If any of these issues specifically impact your use of DataConnect, contact Actian Support.
Bug ID
On Linux, when you run a map with ASCII Delimited as source with RecordSeparator set as SystemDefault, the map runs successfully. However, no records are read, written, or inserted.
Change the RecordSeparator property to LF.
When you run a process with well designed transformations or sub-process containing transformation, the connection fails with the following error message:
Missing required data in one or more connection parts
Add macroset used in transformations to the process and run the process.
When you launch DataConnect and open an artifact that has a missing macro, an error message is displayed while DataConnect is launched.
Resolve the missing macro reference.
After importing a v10 project, if you open the process and close it without making any changes, and then delete the main project, the following error message is displayed:
Process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
Relaunch DataConnect and delete the process
With v9 compatibility mode disabled, in Options > Preferences > DataConnect > Process Designer > Steps, if you select the Always create a copy of transformation file created by the Map Designer option, then DataConnect creates a corrupt map file when you create a map for the Transformation step in the process.
In a process file with Transformation step, when you click Browse for Choose a Map Config, by default the User Defined Connections Location that is specified in Options > Preferences > DataConnect > General is displayed instead of the workspace location.
Browse to the directory that you want.
In Multimode Target Wizard, an additional column is displayed in the multimode operations page.
Header row is not written to the output unless the BeforeTransformation event is added with Drop Table and Create Table.
Create Table if the Excel sheet does not exist, or Drop, and then create the table (sheet) if it is an existing sheet.
License file changes are not recognized by Studio IDE until DataConnect is closed and relaunched.
Restart DataConnect
When creating a new extract file, cannot use a macro to specify the report file path.
Using the Dim statement to initialize local variables with the same name in different expressions causes a map to fail validation, even though the variables do not interfere with each other and the map will run.
Ignore validation error
Sometimes clicking Help > Change Log or Help > Release Notes does not display the page.
In DataConnect, specify the web browser that you want to use. To do this:
1. Go to Options > Preferences > General > Web Browser. The Preferences for web browser is displayed.
2. Select Use internal web browser option and then select one of the installed web browsers. The list includes the browsers installed on the system.
3. Click Apply and Close to apply the setting and close the window.
After upgrading to a newer major version of DataConnect 11.x and launching DataConnect, if the selected workspace is from a previous major release, then the following may occur:
Welcome page displays "Page Not Found".
Some or all the File > New options for DataConnect artifacts are not available.
Some or all of the maps and/or processes will not load and an empty editor tab is displayed.
Red square icon in the upper left corner of the application appears.
Odd errors when loading and running previously valid maps or processes
The map or the process does not run.
1. Close DataConnect.
2. Make sure it is not running in the Task Manager.
3. Open File Explorer and navigate to the following location <<PreviousBuildWorkspaceFolder>>\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.e4.workbench\
4. Delete the workbench.xmi file. It is recreated when launching DataConnect and if you again select the old workspace.
Map execution does not work as per the updated null handling value after first run. It executes map as per the previous value.
Save and reopen the map.
In Linux, when the user tries to map the fields manually by selecting individual source field with individual target field and Target is using an external schema, then target's first field is not mapped with any source field. This happens only when the schema is locked.
Unlock the schema and perform the mapping
Map fields by position or name.
Use expression editor and select the field you want to map to.
Manually type the expression in cell editor.
In a map with Excel Multimode as target connector, if two record instance refer to the same record type, then the map fails with an exception.
Use different record types for each record instance. The record type and record instance name must be the same.
In a process file with debugging option enabled, if you resize the Debugger window, the window size is reset to the default size and does not retain the new size.
In a map when the connection is not established, the displayed error message does not provide any details about the issue.
In a map, when connecting to a Excel connector file to establish the fields and field sizes, the field size defaults to 16 regardless of the actual field size. The field sizes must be set to the largest value for each field.
When using the debugging feature in a process, if the Abort is selected in the debugger, the abort information is written to the log file. These messages must be suppressed being written to the log file as it will bloat the log file and may also be misleading to users.
In a process, if debug is enabled for a step and if you disable and enable the step, then you have to re-enable the debug option for the step.
After enabling the step, manually re-enable debug on the step.
Emails are not filtered based on the Email Subject property when using any Email Queue component.
Unable to get Email attachment file name from POP3 and IMAP Email Queue components. The File Name property always shows empty.
When using local macro with map location in a process > Transformation step, the invalid map file path error is displayed. This issue is applicable only for the GUI and has no impact when running the map from the Engine with local macros.
Local macros are only evaluated during runtime that is, at execution. For design time, you must use Global or any other macro set.
While validating a map, any warnings (for example, unmapped field) is reported as an error if there are other validation errors.
Ignore validation or fix syntax errors in other fields.
The File > Close option and Ctrl+W keyboard shortcut does not close the EZscript editor and the editor pane turns gray.
Click the X icon in the right corner to close the EZscript Editor.
In Salesforce connector, the Sandbox property works incorrectly when the macro value is updated.
Save and reopen the map to view the updated macro values.
When you update the schema (compatibility mode off) from the subset of the master, it does not display artifact properties.
Save the Schema to display the properties.
When a map or process execution is in-progress, it can be closed.
Do not close the map or process while the execution is in-progress as it causes memory issues.
On Linux, in a map file > Mapping tab, when you delete the records for the second time, the confirmation popup is not displayed.
To delete fields on Linux:
1. Click delete button on grid.
2. Right-click and hit delete menu option
When a map with Multimode connector is run in Update or Delete operation mode and if the table does not exist, the an error message is not available in the log file.
DataConnect is unable to send an mail using SMTP E-mail Invoker with port 587.