Installing DataConnect Runtime Engine on AIX
Minimum System Requirements for AIX
Before installing DataConnect Runtime Engine on IBM AIX, your system must meet the minimum requirements provided in this section.
Install DataConnect Runtime Engine on AIX
To install DataConnect Runtime Engine on IBM AIX
1. Log into the system with a root user or an account with sudo privileges.
2. Download the DataConnect standalone engine installer for IBM AIX from
Actian ESD.
3. Open a terminal window at the download location.
4. Run one of the following commands to set the installer as executable, depending on the type of installer:
sudo chmod +x di.install.rpm.aix.di-standalone-engine-<DataConnect_version>.rpm.bin
where <DataConnect_version> is the version number, for example, 12.0.0-13.
5. Run the following command to execute the installer:
where <DataConnect_version> is the version number, for example, 12.0.0-13.
6. Accept the license agreement and press Enter to install to the default location (/opt/Actian/di-standalone-engine-<DataConnect_version>).
Configure Runtime Engine on AIX for DataConnect 11.5
Set the LIBPATH using the following command:
export LIBPATH=/opt/Actian/di-standalone-engine-<DataConnect_version>/runtime/di9:/var/lib:/opt/Actian/di-standalone-engine-<DataConnnect_version>/jre/lib/ppc64/j9vm:/opt/Actian/di-standalone-engine-<DataConnect_version>/jre/lib/ppc64
Set the DJLIB path using the following command:
export DJLIB=/opt/Actian/di-standalone-engine-<DataConnect_version>/runtime/di9
Set the PATH using the following command:
export PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/vacpp/bin:/opt/Actian/di-standalone-engine-<DataConnnect_version>/runtime/di9
where <DataConnect_version> is the version number, for example, 11.5.0-9.
DataConnect for AIX is now compiled using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). This requires locales to be disabled for parsing XML files. To do this, set or unset the following environment changes:
export LC_ALL=C
The GCC compiler also requires the following packages be installed on the AIX server:
• libstdc++9-9.3.0-2
• libgcc9-9.3.0-2
Configure Runtime Engine on AIX for DataConnect 11.6
Set the LIBPATH using the following command:
export LIBPATH=/opt/Actian/di-standalone-engine-<DataConnect_version>/runtime/di9:/opt/Actian/di-standalone-engine-<DataConnect_version>/jre/lib/ppc64/server:/opt/Actian/di-standalone-engine-<DataConnect_version>/jre/bin:/opt/Actian/di-standalone-engine-<DataConnect_version>/jre/lib/ppc64:/opt/Actian/di-standalone-engine-<DataConnect_version>/jre/lib/security:$LIBPATH
Set the DJLIB path using the following command:
export DJLIB=/opt/Actian/di-standalone-engine-<DataConnect_version>/runtime/di9
Set the PATH using the following command:
export PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/vacpp/bin:/opt/Actian/di-standalone-engine-<DataConnnect_version>/runtime/di9
where <DataConnect_version> is the version number, for example, 11.6.0-9.
DataConnect for AIX is now compiled using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). This requires locales to be disabled for parsing XML files. To do this, set or unset the following environment changes:
export LC_ALL=C
The GCC compiler also requires the following packages be installed on the AIX server:
• libstdc++9-9.3.0-2
• libgcc9-9.3.0-2
Configure Runtime Engine on AIX for DataConnect 12.0 and Later
Set the LIBPATH path using the following command:
export LIBPATH=/opt/Actian/di-standalone-engine-<DataConnect_version>/runtime/di9:/opt/Actian/di-standalone-engine-<DataConnect_version>/jre/lib:/opt/Actian/di-standalone-engine-<DataConnect_version>/jre/lib/server:/opt/Actian/di-standalone-engine-<DataConnect_version>/jre/lib/security:$LIBPATH
Set the DJLIB path using the following command:
export DJLIB=/opt/Actian/di-standalone-engine-<DataConnect_version>/runtime/di9
Set the PATH using the following command:
export PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/vacpp/bin:/opt/Actian/di-standalone-engine-<DataConnnect_version>/runtime/di9
where <DataConnect_version> is the version number, for example, 12.0.0-13.
DataConnect for AIX is now compiled using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). This requires locales to be disabled for parsing XML files. To do this, set or unset the following environment changes:
export LC_ALL=C
The GCC compiler also requires the following packages be installed on the AIX server:
• libstdc++9-9.3.0-2
• libgcc9-9.3.0-2
Uninstall DataConnect Runtime Engine on AIX
To uninstall the DataConnect Runtime Engine on AIX
1. Open a terminal window.
2. Navigate to /opt/Actian/di-standalone-engine-<DataConnect_version>/install where <DataConnect_version> is the version number, for example, 12.0.0-13.
3. Run the following command:
DataConnect is uninstalled.