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IS API Invoker
The Integration Service API for SAP Invoker (referred to as the IS API Invoker) enables you to make a remote function call to query your SAP installation for a list of function modules and interact with the modules using an Apache Derby database for local storage. Explained here is how to set up the Apache Derby database and how to specify properties for an invoker instance and associated invoker steps.
Setting Up an Apache Derby Database
The IS API Invoker can use an embedded or a network Derby database. The network database must be started before using the invoker.
To set up the Network Apache Derby database:
1. Download the Apache Derby software from http://db.apache.org/derby/releases/release-
2. Unzip the software to the following folder on your machine:
3. Follow the configuration instructions at http://db.apache.org/derby/papers/DerbyTut/ns_intro.html#ns.
4. Start the network server in a command window and look for the following message to ensure that the server has started correctly.
Security manager installed using the Basic server security policy.
Apache Derby Network Server - - <689064> started and ready to accept connections on port 1527 at 2010-04-02 20:16:27.187 GMT
Note:  If you need to use a port number other than 1527, be sure to make a note of which number you use.
5. If the Derby database server does not start correctly and you do not see a message similar to the above, then you will not be able to proceed. See the Apache Derby help site for information on troubleshooting your Derby installation
IS API Invoker Properties
Default Value
SAP Hostname
DNS name or IP address of the destination SAP application server.
SAP Router String
Security setting for access to the SAP system behind a firewall. Usually, this will be blank.
Language for login to the destination SAP application server.
System Number
System number for login to the destination SAP application server.
Client Id
Client Id login for the destination SAP application server.
User name for login to the destination SAP application server.
Password for login to the destination SAP application server.
Max Connections Allowed
Maximum number of concurrent connections for the connection pool.
Connection Pool Size
Total number of available connections in the connection pool.
Connection Expiration (seconds)
Length of time after which an idle connection expires.
Expiration Check (seconds)
Frequency of checking for expired connections.
Connection Time Out (seconds)
Length of time for waiting to establish a connection.
Debug Folder
If specified, then the SAP XML representation of the current function module is saved to this location just prior to execution.
Supported Actions
Creates a database connection.
Executes the supported action.
Closes an existing database connection and performs clean up as needed.
Supported Action Parameters
The IS API Invoker supports the following step action parameters for the Execute action.
Supported Actions
Source Message
DNS name or IP address of the destination SAP application server.
Source message is not required but can be used to pass in the PARAM_MAP message property, which overrides any corresponding parameter or structure values. The PARAM_MAP property takes the form of a Java properties file with the following syntax:
Complete structures can also be mapped if they share the same fields:
The second structure must already exist in the repository and be populated with data.
Tip...  To override multiple properties, use a CR+LF separator.
Overriding Tables
Tables cannot be overridden using PARAM_MAP. Instead, pass in CSV data using the Source Message property. A header is required, but double-quote delimiter characters are optional. The naming convention for table override of the Source Message property is LOAD_TABLE.TABLENAME.
Target Message
Target message is not required but can be used to retrieve a proprietary XML representation of the function template or execution results.
Target message properties are also automatically populated for any export parameters or structure fields that contain data.
Supported Action Properties
Supported Actions
RFC Function Name Search
Enter either simple text or a macro name to search the specified SAP server for the RFC function to execute. Only remotely enabled functions are returned. Search supports the asterisk << Image>> and percent sign (%) as wild card characters. Results are used to populate the RFC Function Name list (see below). The search must return fewer than 100 results.
RFC Function Name
Name of the RFC module that you wish to execute.
Repository Location
Location of the embedded or network server Derby instance used to store the RFC metadata and parameters.
Repository Type
Embedded and client-based repositories are supported. Embedded repositories require no additional software. Client-based repositories require a running instance of the Derby network server.
Client-based repositories are usually preferable at design time, and embedded repositories are preferable at run time. Macros used may change depending on the environment.
Execute Operation
How the selected RFC is used at run time. Select one of the following options from the list:
Generate Template - Generates function metadata in the repository.
Execute Function - Executes the function using data stored within the repository and/or within the PARAM_MAP source message property.
Write Response XML
When TRUE, an XML representation of the RFC function results is returned in the body of the target message.
Create Optional Templates
When TRUE, all function metadata is generated in the repository.
When FALSE, only metadata required for execution is generated in the repository.
Note:  This option is only valid when the Execute operation is set to Generate Template.
Return Empty Tables
When TRUE, all function tables are generated in the repository.
When FALSE, only tables containing data are generated in the repository.
This option is only valid when the Execute operation is set to Execute Function.
Append Structure Output
When TRUE, consecutive executions will append structure records within the repository.
When FALSE, the structure tables within the repository will be truncated upon each successive execution.
Some BAPIs natively append structure data upon successive executions, in which case this option has no effect.
Default Field Length
Allows the user to specify default repository field length when an invalid value is returned from the RFC interface for any particular field.
Some repository fields are fixed length according to their corresponding ABAP data types:
Date: 8
Time: 8
Integer: 14
Decimal: 28
Displayed for all run-time errors.
Displayed when the function executes correctly in SAP, but contains a RET_CODE parameter or RETURN structure with a code other than 0.
Last modified date: 01/03/2025