Property | S/T | Description |
CommitFrequency | T | Allows you to control how often data is committed to the database when the AutoCommit property is set to False. The default value is zero that is, the data is committed at the end of the transformation, allowing rollback on error. This is the slowest setting. When performing large transformations, this is not practical as it may produce too many transaction log entries. Specifying a nonzero value indicates that data is committed to the database after inserting or updating specified number of records. |
ConstraintDDL | T | Pass-through mechanism that allows you to specify any additional data definition language (DDL) statements that need to be executed when a new table is created. DDL is used to define keys, indexes, constraints, and integrity rules for SQL databases. There is no default. |
Encoding | T | Type of encoding used with your source and target files. Default is OEM. |
IdentityInsert | T | By default, identity fields are not inserted into the database. To enable insertion of identity fields, change to true. |
SystemTables | T | If set to true, allows you to see all tables created by the DBA in the database. The system table names appear in the table list. Default is false. Note: This property is applicable only if the user is logged onto the database as the database administrator. Only the DBA has access to system tables. |
Tablock | T | Either true (default) or false. |
Views | T | If set to True, this property allows you to see the view names in the table list along with the table names. Default is True. Note: This property is available on all SQL connectors, but Mass Inserts can only write to tables, not views. Therefore, setting this property to True has no effect in this instance. Note: This property supports only Append and DeleteAndAppend output modes and does not support the Replace output mode. |