Property | Description |
SQL Log | The default is sql.log in the default installation directory. To use a different log, either browse to the file or enter the path and file name. Note: SQL statements are sent to the SQL Log file only if the SQL Output property is set to either Target and SQL Log or SQL Log Only. |
SQL Output | Allows you to select bound or unbound mode and whether or not to write SQL statements to a SQL log. Keep in mind that bound mode is faster as bind variables are used. Target Only is the default. • Target Only (default) - Uses bound mode, which uses bind variables. SQL statements are sent to the target and not to the SQL log specified in the SQL Log property. • Target Only (Unbound Mode) - Uses unbound mode, which does not use bind variables and sends the literal SQL statement to the database engine. SQL statements are sent to the target and not to the SQL log specified in the SQL Log property. • Target and SQL Log - Sends SQL statements to the target and to the SQL log specified in the SQL Log property. • SQL Log Only - Sends SQL statements only to the SQL log file specified in the SQL Log property. |
Synonyms | If set to true, allows you to see synonyms. The alias names appear in the table list along with the tables. Default is false. |
SystemTables | If set to true, allows you to see all tables created by the DBA in the database. The system table names appear in the table list. Default is false. Note: This property is applicable only if the user is logged onto the database as the database administrator. Only the DBA has access to system tables. |
UpdateNullFields | Null values are sent to the database when inserting or updating records. The default is true. If set to False, null values are not sent to the database when inserting or updating records and the connector is forced to operate in unbound mode, which may cause slower performance. Best Practice — If fields in the target record are not mapped, then the null values are passed to the target. If you do not want to write to these fields, then it is recommended to set the value for UpdateNullFields to False. |
Views | If set to True, this property allows you to see the view names in the table list along with the table names. Default is True. Note: This property supports only Append and DeleteAndAppend output modes and does not support the Replace output mode. |
TransactionIsolation | Allows you to specify an isolation level when reading from or writing to a database table with ODBC. The default is Serializable. The ANSI SQL 2 standard defines three ways in which serializability of a transaction may be violated: P1 (Dirty Read), P2 (Nonrepeatable Read) and P3 (Phantoms). The isolation levels are as follows: • READ_UNCOMMITTED - Permits P1, P2, and P3. • READ_COMMITTED - Permits P2 and P3. Does not permit P1. • REPEATABLE_READ - Permits P3. Does not permit P1 and P2. • SERIALIZABLE - Does not permit any of P1, P2, and P3. • None - Does not start a transaction. For further details about TransactionIsolation levels, see the Microsoft ODBC SDK documentation. |
Encoding | Type of encoding to use with source and target files. Default is OEM. For details, see Encoding Notes. |