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Zip Aggregator
This component helps you construct and generate new zip files as part of the workflow in process designer. You can add data to the Zip Aggregator component, then compress the contents using the component properties to generate a zip file. You can create an instance of this component in the Configuration tab > Message Components section.
Supported Actions
The PutMessage action is used to "put" the data into Zip Aggregator component. You can use PutMessage property File Name to specify a file. Similarly, the DJMessage property FileName performs the same function.
The GetMessage action "gets" or retrieves the data that has been "put" into the Zip Aggregator component and produces a zip file with the compression and encoding specified in the GetMessage properties.
The EZscript function, FileWrite, can be used to physically write the zip file created by Zip Aggregator component to disk.
Supported Action Parameters
The DJMessage parameter for the PutMessage action can be used to load, or input, data into the Zip Aggregator component.
The DJMessage parameter for GetMessage retrieves all the files or data residing within the Zip Aggregator component.
Supported Action Properties
File Name
Click Browse and select the required file to load into the Zip Aggregator component.
Target Folder
You can use this property to create a folder, directory, or structure within the zip file. For example, if "My folder" is specified in the Target folder property, then the zip file generated by the Zip Invoker will have a folder within it named as My folder.
Message property provides the following options:
Error - throws exception
Ignore - first instance is retained
Replace - last instance is retained
Rename - When set, the rename option makes sure all the files have a unique name.
This property sets a password for the zip file created by Zip Aggregator component.
Compression Method
The algorithm used for compression. Following are the Compression Methods:
DEFLATE - The Deflate compression
STORE - No compression
Compression Level
The level of compression for the DEFLATE compression method. Following are the Compression Levels:
FASTEST - Level 1 Deflate compression
FAST - Level 3 Deflate compression
NORMAL - Level 5 Deflate compression
MAXIMUM - Level 7 Deflate compression
ULTRA - Level 9 Deflate compression
Encryption Method
The encryption method used in the ZIP file. Following are the Encryption Methods:
NONE - No encryption is performed
ZIP_STANDARD - Encrypted with a weak ZIP standard algorithm
ZIP_STANDARD_VARIANT_STRONG - Encrypted with a stronger ZIP standard algorithm
AES - Encrypted with AES, the strongest standard algorithm
AES Key Strength
AES Key Strength is only applied to the AES Encryption Method with the following options:
KEY_STRENGTH_128 - 128-bit AES key length
KEY_STRENGTH_192 - 192-bit AES key length
KEY_STRENGTH_256 - 256-bit AES key length
Additional Information
After executing GetMessage action, the contents of the Aggregator component can be physically written to a zip file using the FileWrite function in a Script Step. To do this, specify the path and zip file name that you want to create, the djmessage body used in the Aggregator GetMessage action, and the encoding as arguments in the FileWrite function. For example, FileWrite("C:\mypath\MyFile.zip", mydjmessage.body, ENC_ISO8859_1)
You can override PutMessage properties in the following table using a DJMessage property. When set, DJMessage properties takes precedence over the property values specified in the component.
Following is the syntax to set DJMessage property for the Zip Aggregator:
Mydjmessagename.Properties("PropertyName") = value
Following is an example to set the FileName property using a DJMessage:
Mydjmessage.Properties("FileName") = "C:\MyPath\MyFileName.txt"
Specify the file path to load the required data into the aggregator.
Specifies the folder in the target zip file under which the file will be created.
Also, if the TargetFolder property is set using a DJMessage, then the DJMessage value overrides the Target Folder property available within the component step.
Message property provides the following option:
Error - throws exception
Ignore - first instance is retained
Replace - last instance is retained
Rename - When set, the rename option makes sure all the files have a unique name.
FileName error
DJMessage misses 'FileName' property
Read error
Read file message from the DJMessage
Write error
Write message to a zip file
No source error
No message file input to zip
License error
Zip Aggregator is not licensed or expired
Last modified date: 02/01/2024