Determine Infrastructure Requirements
The Studio IDE does not require much system resources. However, you must plan for a stable and robust Runtime Engine environment. The following must be considered:
• Review the system requirements table for Integration Manager. It also applies to using the engine in standalone mode or through the Java SDK for concurrency.
• Set up a dedicated server for Actian DataConnect Runtime Engine to reduce or eliminate sharing resources with another application or database server. The server must have the necessary client libraries or ODBC drivers installed.
• Establish routine maintenance (that is, disk space, temp files, old logs, and so on). Sometimes administrators leave maintenance to the integration team and is neglected.
• Data in memory versus disk persistence: RAM and File I/O are the two biggest hardware constraints that impact integration. Again, integration is middleware and the runtime server can often be overlooked or diminished. The system requirements table also provides guidelines for these metrics. You must favor memory if you are implementing a message-based integration or disk if implementing bulk/batch integration as a predominant pattern.
• Engine Concurrency count and CPU usage (1:1). As a rule, expect a single engine instance to use at least a single core.
• Management within maps and processes: Provide guidance for the development team members.
Last modified date: 01/03/2025