Installing DataConnect Studio IDE on Windows
This section covers system requirements, installing and uninstalling DataConnect Studio IDE, and installing and uninstalling the DataConnect Studio IDE site plug-in for Eclipse.
Minimum System Requirements for Windows
Before installing DataConnect Studio IDE on Windows, your system must meet the minimum requirements provided in this section.
Install DataConnect Studio IDE on Windows
This topic describes how to install DataConnect Studio IDE on Windows.
Note that <DataConnect_version> specifies the DataConnect version, for example, 12.0.0-13.
To install DataConnect Studio IDE on Windows
1. Download the DataConnect Studio IDE installer from
Actian ESD to the system where you want to install DataConnect.
2. Run the .exe file.
The Welcome to the DataConnect Studio 64-bit <DataConnect_version> Setup Wizard is displayed.
3. Click Next.
The License Agreement screen is displayed.
4. Click I Agree to accept the license agreement.
The Choose Install Location screen displays the default location where DataConnect Studio IDE program files—including the embedded engine—will be installed. The location is C:\Program Files\Actian\actian-dc-studio-64-bit-<DataConnect_version>.
If you want to install DataConnect Studio IDE in a different location, click Browse and specify the location.
5. Click Next.
The Choose Data Directory screen displays the default location where the templates, connectors, components, and the cosmos.ini file will be installed. The location is C:\ProgramData\Actian\DataConnect\actian-dc-studio-64-bit-<DataConnect_version>.
If you want to change this location, click Browse and specify the location.
6. Click Install.
The Installing screen displays the progress of the installation.
7. When the Completed message is displayed, click Next.
8. Click Finish to close the wizard.
DataConnect Studio IDE is installed and appears on the Start menu.
Uninstall DataConnect Studio IDE on Windows
This topic describes how to uninstall DataConnect Studio IDE on Windows.
Note that <DataConnect_version> specifies the DataConnect version, for example, 12.0.0-13.
To uninstall DataConnect Studio IDE on Windows
1. Go to Control Panel, Programs and Features.
The Uninstall or change program window is displayed.
2. Do one of the following:
• Right-click on Actian DataConnect Studio 64-bit <DataConnect_version> and select Uninstall.
• Double-click Actian DataConnect Studio 64-bit <DataConnect_version> and click Uninstall.
After DataConnect Studio IDE is uninstalled, a success message is displayed.
Last modified date: 01/03/2025