Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting DataConnect > Execution of SQL statement failed
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Execution of SQL statement failed
Error Code
Error Message
Exec SQL failed: SQL Statement <SELECT_Statement>. Check log for more details.
This execution error may be displayed when executing SQL select statements like SELECT "column1", "column2" FROM "user"."table_name". This error is usually displayed for connectors like Actian X, Actian Ingress, and Actian Vector.
Cause: You are not the owner of the table that you are trying to select. For example, if you have selected a table created by user01 (user01.tbl) and the credentials you have entered are of user02 (a different user), then on running the map, you will receive this error.
Solution: Provide correct credentials and make sure that you have the access to the table that you have selected.
Related Information
Last modified date: 01/03/2025