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Actian Vector (Delimited)
Actian Vector (Delimited) connector (target-only) is based on Unicode Delimiter connector. This connector allows you to create CSVs files, which are used by the Actian Vector tool Vectorwise Bulk Loader (vwload). The tool is installed with the Actian Vector installation.
Actian Vector ingests data in three ways. For more information, see https://www.actian.com/company/blog/actian-vector-data-ingestion/.
For information about Actian Vector, see the Actian Vector documentation available at docs.actian.com.
For more information, see Actian Vector Prerequisites.
Connector-Specific Notes
Source files containing null characters (0x00) embedded in a text string are not supported. All information following the null characters is stripped from the file.
Using an External Schema to Override Target Structure - When Actian Vector (Delimited) is the target connector, the data structure is normally set by field delimiters and the header record of the target file. However, after connecting to a file, you can override this structure by applying an external schema, for example to change field names, change their size, or even add additional fields for multiple record layouts.
Delimiter Characters Occurring as Data within a Field - Characters that delimit the start and end of a field may also appear as data within the field. To make sure that a data character is not interpreted as a delimiter, the integration platform creates an escape sequence by doubling the character when it is assumed to be data. Quotation marks is a common example of this escape sequence. The quotation marks enclose quoted words in an Excel source field. For example:
The customer said, "A penny saved is a penny earned."
In the mapping to a delimited Actian Vector target with a quotation mark selected as field delimiter, the quotation marks are doubled for the data but not for the delimiters enclosing the field. For example:
"The customer said, ""A penny saved is a penny earned."""
Supported Encoding - For the list of supported encoding, see Binary (International) Unicode Support.
Connector Parts
Connector parts are the fields you configure to connect with a data source or target. The fields that are available depend on the connector you select. This is a target only connector. For a list of all parts for target connectors, see Specifying Target Connector, Parts, and Properties.
Connector Properties
You can specify the following target properties:
Type of encoding to use with target files. The default value is OEM.
Shift-JIS encoding is used only in Japanese operating systems.
UCS-2 is no longer considered a valid encoding name, but you may use UCS2. In the data file, change UCS-2 to UCS2.
Note:  This property is not encoding of the database that you connect to, but it is the encoding in which the connector expects to receive SQL query statements that must be sent to the database.
Byte order of Unicode (wide) characters:
Auto (default): Byte order is determined by the system architecture.
Little Endian: Generally used by Intel machines and DEC Alphas and places the least significant portion of a byte value in the left portion of the memory used to store the value.
Big Endian: Used by IBM 370 computers, Motorola microprocessors and most RISC-based systems and stores the values in the same order as the binary representation.
Special character value sometimes written to a Unicode text file to indicate the byte order used for encoding each of the Unicode characters. In the integration platform, you have the option of writing byte order mark at the beginning of Unicode (wide) output or not. The default is false. If you want to have the byte order mark placed at the beginning of your output, change this option to true.
Record separator between records. Most delimited ASCII files have a carriage return-line feed (CR-LF) between records. The system default setting enables the same transformation to run with CR-LF on Windows and with LF on Linux systems without having to change this property.
If the record separator is not a printable character, enter escape CR-LF with a backslash, an X, and the hexadecimal value for the separator.
Field separator between fields. The available options are:
, (default)
If you need an alternate field separator other than one from the list, you can type the value.
If the field separator is not a printable character, replace CR-LF with a backslash, an X, and the hexadecimal value for the separator.
The connector reads the data from the file as Unicode and looks for the Unicode characters specified as the separators to break the data into fields or records. After this, the actual Unicode data is assigned to fields or records.
Delimited Unicode files are presumed to have beginning-of-field delimiter. The default delimiter is a quotation mark (). However, some files do not contain field delimiters, so this option is available for both source files and your target files. To read from or write to a file with no delimiters, set FieldEndDelimiter to None.
Delimited Unicode files are presumed to have end-of-field delimiter. The default delimiter is a quotation mark (). However, some files do not contain field delimiters, so this option is available for both source files and target files. To read from or write to a file with no delimiters, set FieldStartDelimiter to None.
In some files, the first record is a header record. For source data, you can remove it from the input data and cause the header titles to be used automatically as field names. For target data, you can cause the field names in your source data to automatically create a header record in your target file. To identify a header record, set Header to true. The default is false.
Note:  If you are appending data to an existing file, set Header to false.
Determines whether the specified FieldStartDelimiter and the FieldEndDelimiter is used for all fields, only for fields containing a separator, or only for text fields as follows:
All (default): Places the delimiters specified in FieldStartDelimiter and FieldEndDelimiter before and after every field. For example, "Smith","12345","Houston".
Partial: Places the specified delimiters before and after fields only where necessary. A field that contains a character that is the same as the field separator will have the field delimiters placed around it. A common example is a memo field that contains quotes within the data, "Customer responded with "No thank you" to my offer"
Text: Places delimiters before and after text and name fields (non-numeric fields). Numeric and date fields do not have FieldStartDelimiter or FieldEndDelimiter. For example, "Smith", 12345,"Houston", 11/13/04
Non-numeric: Places delimiters before and after all non-numeric types, such as date fields. An important difference between non-numeric and text is that non-numeric delimits date fields, while text does not.
By default, the integration platform strips leading blanks in delimited Unicode data. To leave the leading blanks, set StripLeadingBlanks to false.
For a Unicode target file, by default the integration platform strips trailing blanks in the data. To leave the trailing blanks, set StripTrailingBlanks to false.
Character or a set of characters that must be filtered from the source data. For any character in TransliterateIn, the corresponding character from the TransliterateOut property is substituted. If there is no corresponding character, the source character is filtered completely. TransliterateIn supports C-style escape sequences such as \n (new line), \r (carriage return), and \t (tab).
Character that must be substituted for another character from the source data. For any character in TransliterateIn, the corresponding character from the TransliterateOut property is substituted. If you want the source character to be filtered completely, leave this field blank. If there are no characters to be transliterated, leave this field blank. The TransliterateOut property supports C-style escape sequences such as \n (new line), \r (carriage return), and \t (tab).
Maximum number of characters to write to a field. If this value is set to 0 (the default), the number of characters written to a field is determined by the field length. If you set this value to a number other than zero, data may be truncated.
Special string used to represent null values. Select predefined values or type any other string. When writing a null value, the contents of the null indicator string are written.
Supported Output Mode
Actian Vector (Delimited) connector supports the Replace and Append output modes. For more information, see Target Output Modes.
Supported Data Type
The following data types are supported:
Name (parses and displays a proper name into its parts, such as honorific, title, last name, middle initial, first name)
Note:  Fields containing dates or numbers may be changed to a different data type.
Last modified date: 01/03/2025