Creating Projects
A project is essentially a method of organizing the Actian DataConnect related files and design artifacts within the Eclipse IDE. Project Explorer displays the contents (projects, folders, files, and Actian DataConnect design artifacts) of the current Workspace. When a project is created within Project Explorer, a new folder is created on your disk in the current Workspace folder. All the Actian DataConnect design artifacts (maps, processes, and so on) that are generated and saved to a project, are available on in the corresponding workspace folder.
To create a DataConnect project
1. Do any of the following:
• Go to File > New > DataConnect Project.
• Click the arrow in
and then click
DataConnect Project.
• Right-click within Project Explorer and click New > DataConnect Project.
The New DataConnect Project dialog is displayed.
2. In the Project name field, type a name for the project.
3. Select the Use default location check box to specify the location of the project. If you do not want to use the default location (workspace), click Browse and specify another location.
4. Click Next.
5. In Project Description, type a description and keywords to describe the project. This is optional.
6. Click Finish.
You have now created a new project within Project Explorer. Any new Actian DataConnect design artifacts that you generate can now be saved to this new project.
Last modified date: 01/03/2025