DJXLPACK - Script Compressing and Encoding
The Map Designer provides the capability to compress and encode the CXL scripts. This can be done by using the packer utility – DJXLPACK. Packing a script not only makes the script smaller for distribution, but protects the script since it cannot be read or altered successfully when it is encoded. The script naming standard for a script that is not encoded is .cxl, and for encoded scripts is .djr. The packer takes scripts with a .cxl extension and creates a packed version with a .djr extension. DJXLPACK can be invoked by using the djxlpack executable (djxlpack.exe).
The syntax is:
djxlpack input.cxl [encoded.djr]
The target file name is optional. If it is not entered, the encoded script is given the filename of the Source script with the extension .djr.
Djxlpack tagged.cxl # this command will take the CXL script tagged.cxl and# encode it, giving the encoded script the name tagged.djr.
Scripts created and distributed as a part of the Map Decxlsigner product will be in a packed format, hence .djr. The CXL SDK includes the unencoded. Source code of those files. The Map Designer has the ability to read both .cxl and .djr script files.
As mentioned before, Though the CXL language is copyrighted, developers may fully exploit the CXL scripts for commercial or corporate use. While we will continue to author scripts for popular data Sources, developers are encouraged to push CXL’s reach even further!
We have embarked on an aggressive schedule to author many scripts for popular data Sources (e.g., Dodge Reports, EDI, Computer Select, STN, Dow Jones, ...), and distribute them as add-on Custom Packs of CXL scripts, or as new spokes for the Map Designer when possible. CXL requires the Map Designer for downstream processing and conversion.
Last modified date: 01/03/2025