Encoding and Oracle Databases
If you have Unicode data in Oracle tables, we recommend using the ODBC 3.5 connector to connect. However, if all of your Unicode data has code points in the code page in use where the integration system is running, then either the ODBC 3.5 or the appropriate Oracle connector may be used.
In most cases, set the Encoding property to UTF-8 or UTF-16.
The default environment setting in Oracle is defined as the following:
Oracle NLS_LANG = language_territory.charset AMERICAN_AMERICA. WE8ISO8859P1 AMERICAN_AMERICA. UTF8
To change the locale settings in Oracle
In the Oracle database, change the language and formatting settings for your tables as needed.
For instance, for the Japanese language, do the following:
Oracle NLS_LANG = language_territory.charsetJapanese_Japan.JA16SJISJapanese_Japan. UTF16
Last modified date: 01/03/2025