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IBM DB2 Loader
The integation platform can write DB2 Loader files. The files can be imported quickly into DB2 using the DB2 Loader utility.
DB2 Loader is available as a source connector. It appears on the source connector list primarily for reading and verifying Loader files created by the integration platform and is useful when you do not have the application to check the files.
Connector-Specific Notes
No known limitations.
Connector Parts
Connector parts are the fields you configure to connect with a data source or target. The fields that are available depend on the connector you select.
For a list of all parts for source connectors, see Specifying Source Connector, Parts, and Properties.
For a list of all parts for target connectors, see Specifying Target Connector, Parts, and Properties.
Property Options
Specifying source properties is important for you if:
Your source connector requires you to define Source Properties.
Upon viewing your source data, you learn that the field names and data appear incorrectly, either in the wrong record, field, or containing the wrong data.
You can specify the following source (S) and target (T) properties:
You can designate a message file to write errors to when loading a database. To select the message file, navigate to the drive, directory path, and file. Then click OK.
Null Indicators
Generate Null indicators. The default is true.
Use the OtherOptions Property to enter additional text options. For the OtherOptions property, enter options in the text box, and click OK.
The SaveCount property is set to prevent total loss of data from a failed Load operation. You set SaveCount to create a consistency point at a specified number of rows that are loaded then if the LOAD operation fails, the rows that were saved prior to the failure are not rolled back. The benefit of specifying this parameter is only realized in a recover situation where you can restart the load from a consistency point. The default for SaveCount is zero, indicating no consistency points.
System Type
Type of DB2 system. The default is "other" which includes Linux, DOS, and Windows. The other option is MVS, which is MVS (EBCDIC) DB2.
Use WarnCount to set the number of warnings returned by the utility before a load operation is forced to terminate. The load operation stops after the Warncount number is reached. By using the WarnCount you can fix problems that occur early in the process without waiting for the entire Load to complete. The default is set to zero.
Control File
File containing load commands. There is no default.
A DB2 Loader target file is presumed to have a carriage return-line feed (CR-LF) between records (default setting). To specify some other characters for a record separator, click Record Separator and select the desired record separator in the list. The choices are carriage return-line feed (CR-LF), line feed (LF), and no record separator (None).
Note:  When the unload file is from a mainframe system, the data is in EBCDIC and there is no record separator. In these cases, the record separator is saved and loaded as None. When the unload file is not from a mainframe system, the record separator property can be set and saves and loads correctly.
This translation table determines which encoding to use for reading and writing data. The default is ANSI, the standard in the US.
Supported Data Types
The only data type available is Text.
These are field lengths in your data. If you need to change field lengths, reset them in the schema.
Caution!  A field length shorter than the default may truncate data.
Target Schema
The Target Schema icon is active in the toolbar when DB2 Loader is the target connector.
The following options are applicable for DB2 Loader files:
Target Field Name - These are field names that appear in your target data table. You may enter a name for each field.
Supported Data Types - The only data type available is Text.
Length - These are field lengths in your data. If you need to change field lengths, reset them in the schema.
Caution!  A field length shorter than the default may truncate data.
Last modified date: 01/03/2025