User Guide > Importing Prior Version Projects and Artifacts > Importing Integrations and Packages from v10 Integration Manager
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Importing Integrations and Packages from v10 Integration Manager
You can import v10 Integration Manager Integrations and Packages (run-time artifacts) directly from the Actian DataConnect 10 group server using the new import wizard, so that they can be executed in DataConnect v12.
Before importing the run-time artifacts, make sure you have the following information:
Actian DataConnect 10 URL
User name and password to log into the URL
Administrative access to import the macro definition files to Actian DataConnect 12
To import v10 Integration Manager Integrations and Packages directly from DataConnect 10:
1. Launch the Actian DataConnect Studio.
2. Make sure you have a valid Actian DataConnect 12 license. For more information, see Uploading License File.
3. Click File > Import.
You can also right-click in Project Explorer and select Import.
The Import window is displayed.
Note:  If there are no projects in your current v12 workspace, then click Import Projects in Project Explorer.
4. Expand DataConnect, click From v10 Management Console, and click Next.
The Enter connection details for the DataConnect v10 Group Server page is displayed.
5. Specify the following:
Server URL: Actian DataConnect v10 URL from where you want to import the projects.
Note:  By default, Actian DataConnect 10 group server runs on port 3000. If the server is running on a non-standard port, you must also append the port number (for example, server-name:81).
User Name: User name to log into v10
Password: Password to log into v10
6. Select from one of the following options:
Import from scheduled configurations: To choose and import from scheduled integrations.
Import from all deployed packages: To choose and import from any packages (DJARs) deployed to v10 Integration Manager, instead of just being able to choose from scheduled integrations.
7. Click Next.
The Select the integrations to export from the v10 server page is displayed. Based on your selection in the previous step, a list of all or scheduled packages that have been deployed to v10 Integration Manager is displayed here.
8. You can use the following options:
Filter - Select the v10 repository that contains the projects you want to retrieve.
Select All – Selects all the integrations available in the list.
UnSelect All – Deselects all the integrations available in the list.
9. Select one or more integrations from the list and click Next.
The Select location and macro options to save exported files page is displayed.
10. Specify the following:
Location - In the Location box, click Browse and specify the path where the selected integrations will be saved on your local system. As these are run-time configurations and packages, these files will not be added to your workspace in DataConnect Studio.
Import Macros from Group Server (Requires Admin Access) - Import all the macros from v10 server.
Note:  You must have administrator privileges on the v10 server to import the macros into Actian DataConnect 12.
Merge macros - If you have selected Import Macros from Group Server, then you can select Merge macros to copy the macros into the macro definition file already assigned to the workspace. Also, you must specify one of the following:
Overwrite - If a conflict occurs, then overwrite existing macros.
Ignore - If a conflict occurs, use the current macro values. This is the default option.
Note:  You need to perform Import Macros only for the first time you go through Step 9, because these are global for the v10 server.
11. Click Finish.
The Import has completed successfully message is displayed. Also, provides information about the log file location for the import, and the files that are not imported due to errors. You can click View Log to open the log file and view the import details.
After import, the djar files can be found in the disk location that you selected during the import process. These djar files will work with v12. Run-time configurations associated with each package are inserted into the djar file. You also have a copy of the original unmodified djars and run-time configurations for backup purposes.
Note:  A DataConnect_copy_{date-time}.log is generated. You can review this log to view any modification, the files that could not be located, and so on.This log file is located in the root of the workspace location. This location is displayed in the DataConnect window title if the Show workspace location preference was enabled.
Last modified date: 01/03/2025