User Guide > Map Connectors > Source and Target Map Connectors > Microsoft IIS Extended Logfile Format
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Microsoft IIS Extended Logfile Format
The Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) produces a log file called the IIS Extended Logfile Format file. With this connector, the integration platform can read IIS Extended Logfile Format source files but cannot write them. Therefore, this log file format is not available as a target.
The log file format includes the information in the Microsoft IIS standard log file format, plus user agent and referrer data for Web, Gopher and FTP servers that run under the Microsoft Internet Information Server.
The following is an example of the format:, -, 3/1/96, 0:00:00, W3SVC, WWW,, 3565, 245, 2357, 200, 0, GET, /MSOffice/Images/button7a.PNG, Mozilla/1.22 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows XP),
This connector sets field width in bytes. What actually varies is the number of characters that fit into a given field. For example, if a field width is 10 bytes and the encoding is Shift-JIS, the field can hold a minimum of 5 characters and a maximum of 10. This means that if you try to write 8 Japanese characters, data is truncated (the Kanji characters all take 2 bytes).
Connector-Specific Notes
The integration platform can read Microsoft IIS Extended Logfile Format files but cannot write them. Therefore, this log file format is not available as a target.
Connector Parts
Connector parts are the fields you configure to connect with a data source or target. The fields that are available depend on the connector you select. This is a source only connector. For a list of all parts for source connectors, see Specifying Source Connector, Parts, and Properties.
Property Options
You can specify the following source properties:
Most data files have only one field separator between all the fields; however, it is possible to have more than one field separator. If your source file has one field separator between some of the fields and a different separator between other fields, you can specify the second field separator here. Otherwise, you should leave the setting at None (the default).
The alternate field separators available from the list are none (default), comma, tab, space, carriage return-line feed, line feed, carriage return, line feed-carriage return, ctrl-R, and pipe (|). To select a separator from the list, click AlternateFieldSeparator. If you have an alternate field separator other than one from the list, you can type it here.
If the alternate field separator is not one of the choices in the list and is a printable character, highlight the CR-LF and then type the correct character. For example, if the separator is an asterisk, type an asterisk from the keyboard.
If the field separator is not a printable character, replace CR-LF with a backslash, an X, and the hexadecimal value for the separator. For example, if the separator is a check mark, then enter \XFB. For a list of the 256 standard and extended ASCII characters, search for "hex values" in the documentation.
Automatic styling changes the way Microsoft IIS Extended Logfile data is read or written. By default, AutomaticStyling is set to false, causing all data to be read or written as Text. When set to true, the integration platform automatically detects and formats particular data types, such as numeric and date fields.
During the transformation process, autostyling insures that a date field in the source file is formatted as a date field in the target file, as opposed to character or text data. If your source file contains zip code data, you may want to leave AutomaticStyling as False, so leading zeros in some zip codes in the eastern United States are not deleted.
The default delimiter is None (to read from or write to a file with no delimiters). If your source file contains separators or delimiters, you must specify them by clicking the Source Properties icon in the toolbar and choosing the correct separators and delimiters for your source data file. If you do not know what the separators or delimiters are in your source file, search for "hex browser" in the documentation.
The integration platform that Microsoft IIS Extended Logfile Format files use a space between each field. To specify some other field separator, click FieldSeparator to display the list of options. The options are comma (default), tab, space, carriage return-line feed, line feed, carriage return, line feed-carriage return, Ctrl+R, a pipe (|), and no field separator. If you have or need an alternate field separator other than one from the list, you can type it here.
If the field separator is not one of the choices from the list and is a printable character, highlight the CR-LF and then type the correct character. For example, if the separator is an asterisk (*), type an asterisk from the keyboard.
If the field separator is not a printable character, replace CR-LF with a backslash, an X, and the hexadecimal value for the separator. For example, if the separator is a check mark, then enter \XFB. For a list of the 256 standard and extended ASCII characters, search for "hex values" in the documentation.
The default delimiter is None (to read from or write to a file with no delimiters). If your source file contains separators or delimiters, you must specify them by clicking the Source Properties icon in the toolbar and choosing the correct separators and delimiters for your source data file. If you do not know what the separators or delimiters are in your source file, search for "hex browser" in the documentation.
In some files, the first record is a header record. For source data, you can remove it from the input data and cause the header titles to be used automatically as field names. For target data, you can cause the field names in your source data to automatically create a header record in your target file. To identify a header record, set Header to true. The default is false.
If your Microsoft IIS Extended Logfile Format data file has field separators, but no record separator, or if it has the same separator for both the fields and the records, you should specify the RecordSeparator (most likely a blank line), leave the AlternateFieldSeparator option blank and enter the exact number of fields per record in this box. The default value is zero.
A Microsoft IIS Logfile Extended Format file is presumed to have a carriage return-line feed (CR-LF) between records. To use a different character, select from the choices in the list. To use a separator other than one in the list, enter it here.
If the record separator is not one of the choices from the list and is a printable character, highlight the CR-LF and then type the correct character. For example, if the separator is a pipe ( | ), type a pipe from the keyboard.
If the record separator is not a printable character, replace CR-LF with a backslash, an X, and the hexadecimal value for the separator. For example, if the separator is a check mark, then enter \XFB. For a list of the 256 standard and extended ASCII characters, search for "hex values" in the documentation.
If your source data file starts with characters that need to be excluded from the transformation, set the StartOffset option to specify at which byte of the file to begin. The default value is 106. The correct value may be determined by using the Hex Browser. For a list of the 256 standard and extended ASCII characters, search for "hex values" in the documentation.
Note:  This property is set in number of bytes, not characters.
Allows you to determine if leading blanks are stripped from all data fields. The default is false; leading blanks are not stripped from Microsoft IIS Extended Logfile Format data. To remove them, set StripLeadingBlanks to true.
Determine if trailing blanks are stripped from the data fields. By default, the integration platform does not strip trailing blanks in Microsoft IIS Extended Logfile Format data. To remove them, set StripTrailingBlanks Current to true.
Set the number of records (starting with record 1) that are analyzed to set a default width for each source field. The default is 5000. You can change the value to any number between 1 and the total number of records in your source file. As the number gets larger, more time is required to analyze the file, and it may be necessary to analyze every record to ensure no data is truncated.
To change the value, highlight the default value, and enter a new one.
This translation table determines which encoding to use for reading and writing data. The default is ANSI, the standard in the US.
Last modified date: 01/03/2025