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Orchestration Invoker
The Orchestration Invoker runs Job Configurations that are stored and configured on Actian Integration Manager Server (version 1.3 or later). This invoker has several features for running Job Configurations synchronously or asynchronously by checking the status of a job or execution and retrieving the log of a completed execution.
Orchestration Invoker Properties
Property Name
IP address or name of the server where Actian Integration Manager is installed.
Port number to connect to Actian Integration Manager (8080 by default).
Cloud Instance
Indicates if the Integration Manager instance is running in the cloud or on premise.
TRUE: On cloud
FALSE (default): On premise
Allows you to set the URL protocol to HTTP or HTTPS.
Default value is: HTTP
HTTP User Name
Username to connect to the Actian Integration Manager.
Note:  It is recommended to have administrative permission to access the Job Configurations that you need to run.
HTTP Password
The password to authenticate the above username.
Supported Actions
Execute job configuration on Actian Integration Manager Server.
Supported Action Parameter
Source Message
The function of the source message is based on the selected Execute action property:
If Run Config or Run Config and Wait is selected, then source message is not used.
If Check Status or Get Log is selected, then the optional source message can be the target message from Run Config to get the Log or to check the status of the respective execution.
Target Message
The function of the target message is based on the selected Execute action property. For Run Job Config, the information about the submitted job is returned to the target message.
This message can be provided to a Get Log method or a Check Status method to get the log or status of that job.
If the method is Get Log or Run Job Config and Wait, then the target message contains the log body in the text message body.
If the method is Check Status, then the target message contains a property called status that has the status of the job. For example, the statuses are FINISHED_OK and FINISHED_ERROR.
Supported Action Property
Select one of the following options:
Run Config: Asynchronously submits a job for execution on Actian Integration Manager.
Get Log: Captures the log from a job configuration execution and adds the contents of the existing log in to the current process log. It also adds the contents of the job execution log to the body of the target message.
Get Status: Retrieve status of the job execution.
Run Config and Wait: Performs all the actions same as Run Config, Get Log, and Get Status. It submits a job configuration for execution, and continues to check the status until complete (or until timeout and retry limits have been reached) to return the log.
Job Configuration (for Run Job Config and Wait only)
The Job Configuration ID that you want to run. This ID is available in Actian Integration Manager.
Note:  The integer ID of the Job Configuration is not the name of the Job Configuration.
(Optional) Job Execution ID (For Get Log and Check Status methods only)
There are multiple ways to get the Log of an execution or to check the status of an execution. The easiest way is to use the target message from a Run Job Config method call. You can also maintain and track job executions through another method by adding a Job Execution ID to retrieve the log or status.
Polling Timeout (s) (Run Config and Wait method only)
The Run Job Config and Wait method should poll the execution for completion status in seconds.
Retry Count (Run Config and Wait method only)
Number of times the Run Job Config and Wait method can be run and check the status of an execution before stopping the execution and proceeding.
Additional Information
The target messages from each method returns a list of executions in the order they were submitted. This is another option to check the overall status of all the submitted jobs. This list of executions are set in the target message Executions property as a comma delimited list.
Job Config or Execution not found
Last modified date: 01/03/2025