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Reusing Steps
You can save one or more steps as a template and insert them into another process. This facilitates reuse of collections of component configurations, step properties, message object variable scripting, and other user-defined settings.
When you save a step as a template, the following information is saved:
Macro sets
SQL sessions
EZscript libraries
Global variables used in message components and scripts
Message component and there properties
Step properties
Script information
Saving Step(s) as Template
To save one or more steps as a template:
1. On the Step Canvas, select the required step(s), right-click and select Save as Process Template.
The Save Step Template pop-up window is displayed.
2. Specify the following information:
Template Location: Location where you want to save the steps as a template. The default location can be configured from the Templates preferences page. See Setting Templates Preference for Process Designer.
Template File Name: File name for the template.
Note:  If you have selected the Add _TEMPLATE file name suffix to Process Templates option on the Templates preference page, then it adds _TEMPLATE to the file name.
Description: Provide a description for the template.
3. Click Finish.
The selected steps are saved as a process template.
Note:  Templates must be created for valid process steps. If the step is invalid (for example, a Transformation step with a reference to a missing runtime configuration), you cannot save the step as a template.
Inserting Step(s) From Template
To insert a saved step template:
1. On the Step Canvas tab, right-click and select Insert Process Template.
2. Browse and select the process template file that you want to insert and click Open.
The steps are inserted on the canvas.
Note:  If the template file contains Start and Stop steps, then when you insert the step template, the Start and Stop steps are converted to Script steps. This is because a process can have only one Start and one Stop step.
Last modified date: 01/03/2025