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Running a Map or Process (XML)
To run a map (XML format) from the command line, the syntax is:
djengine [map_file.tf.xml]
This runs the map using the settings exactly as they appear in map_file.tf.xml.
Enter the global options before the map or process file name on the command line:
djengine [global options] [map/process specifications]
To run a process (XML format) from the command line, the syntax is:
djengine process_file.ip.xml
The process runs using the settings in the file process_file.ip.xml.
To change or add settings, use global options but you must specify that you are running a process first using the process execute –pe option:
djengine [global options] -pe [process options] [process specifications]
For example:
djengine -option1 -pe process_file.ip.xml
Last modified date: 07/26/2024