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Sequential Binary
Sequential Binary connections are binary connections that work with sequential data streams. The linear data streams can be either a sequential file or a named pipe. With this connector, the integration platform cannot detect file length or end of file. It reads one byte at a time in a forward direction.
Connectivity Pointers
To connect to a named pipe, enter the path and pipe name in this format:
You cannot browse to a pipe or list pipe names. You must already know the name and path to the pipe. It must be local or on the local network. The integration platform treats pipes like files.
A dataset containing a Source pipe continues to run until the pipe is closed by the application that created it.
Connector Parts
Connector parts are the fields you configure to connect with a data source or target. The fields that are available depend on the connector you select.
For a list of all parts for source connectors, see Specifying Source Connector, Parts, and Properties.
For a list of all parts for target connectors, see Specifying Target Connector, Parts, and Properties.
Property Options
You can specify the following source (S) and target (T) properties:
If your source data file starts with characters that need to be excluded from the transformation, set the StartOffset option to specify at which byte of the file to begin. The default value is zero. The correct value may be determined by using the Hex Browser.
Note:  This property is set in number of bytes, not characters.
A Sequential Binary file is presumed to have no record separator between records. To use other characters for a record separator, click the RecordSeparator cell and click once. Then click the arrow to the right of the box and click the desired record separator in the list box. The choices are carriage return-line feed, line feed, carriage return, line feed-carriage return, form feed, empty line and no record separator (default). To use a separator other than one from the list, you can type it here.
If the record separator is not one of the choices from the list and is a printable character, highlight the current value and then type the correct character. For example, if the separator is a pipe ( | ), type a pipe from the keyboard.
If the record separator is not a printable character, replace CR-LF with a backslash, an X, and the hexadecimal value for the separator. For example, if the separator is a check mark, then enter \XFB. For a list of the 256 standard and extended ASCII characters, see Source and Target Map Connectors.
This translation table determines which encoding to use for reading and writing data. The default is ANSI, the standard in the US.
Supported Data Types
The following data types are supported:
16-bit binary
16-bit logical
24-bit binary
32-bit binary
32-bit IEEE floating-point
32-bit TEC binary
32-bit VAX floating-point
64-bit binary
64-bit IEEE floating-point
64-bit VAX floating-point
8-bit binary
80-bit Intel floating-point
AccPac 41-bit binary
Btrieve date
Btrieve time
Column binary alpha-numeric
Column binary multi-punch
Column binary numeric
Cray floating-point
dBASE Numeric
Display Boolean
Display date
Display Date/Time
Display justified
Display sign leading
Display sign leading separate
Display sign trailing
Display sign trailing separate
Display time
Interval day
Interval day to hour
Interval day to minute
Interval day to second
Interval hour
Interval hour to minute
Interval hour to second
Interval minute
Interval minute to second
Interval second
Interval year
Interval year to month
Magic PC date
Magic PC extended
Magic PC number
Magic PC real
Magic PC time
Microsoft BASIC double
Microsoft BASIC float
Null-terminated C string
Packed decimal
Pascal 48-bit real
Pascal string (1 byte)
Pascal string (2 bytes)
Sales Ally date
Sales Ally time-1
Time (minutes past midnight)
Variable length IBM float
Zoned decimal
Last modified date: 01/03/2025